Call for the Marko Polo Tourism Award 2024 for innovative and sustainable solutions in the Chinese market

The China-CEEC Tourism Coordination Centre has announced the call for the Marko Polo Tourism Award 2024. Applications are open for travel agencies, hotels, and organizations successfully operating in the Chinese market and promoting sustainable and ecological solutions

Call for the Marko Polo Tourism Award 2024 for innovative and sustainable solutions in the Chinese market
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The China-CEEC Tourism Coordination Centre has invited participants to apply for the Marko Polo Tourism Award 2024. More information is available at this link.

The competition is open to travel agencies, tour operators, hotels, and national and regional tourism organizations that achieve significant results in the Chinese market and want to highlight their work towards Chinese tourists.

Award for Sustainable Solutions
The international jury will particularly appreciate applications that promote sustainable and ecological solutions. Special emphasis is placed on the use of digital marketing, presence on Chinese social networks, and the creation of travel experiences that include longer stays, slow tourism, active holidays, and the promotion of local culture and products. Solutions that contribute to reducing food waste and aligning local characteristics with new trends from China will be particularly valued.

Contest Winners
The winner of the Marko Polo Tourism Award 2024 will have the opportunity to publish an introductory article on the Travel Daily China portal and will carry the "Marko Polo Tourism Award" designation recommended by the China-CEEC Tourism Coordination Centre. Additionally, the winner will be promoted through media on the platforms of national tourism organizations and ministries of CEEC countries, as well as on the official website and social networks.

Application for the competition is free. Interested parties can contact the China-CEEC Tourism Coordination Centre via email for application documentation and additional information.

The competition is open until August 31, 2024.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 13 Juli, 2024
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