Investigation against JNA commander for crimes against civilians in Saborsko during the Homeland War with detailed depiction of war devastation

The county state attorney's office in Rijeka has initiated an investigation against a former JNA commander for war crimes against the civilian population in Saborsko. The attacks resulted in the complete destruction of the village, the killing of 37 civilians, and significant infrastructural damage

Investigation against JNA commander for crimes against civilians in Saborsko during the Homeland War with detailed depiction of war devastation
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The county state attorney's office in Rijeka has launched an investigation against an 82-year-old former JNA commander, suspected of war crimes committed during the Homeland War. According to collected data, the accused issued an order that led to the systematic destruction and occupation of Saborsko, as well as nearby places, including Borik, Funtana, Panjiće, and Kuselj. The attack on this area was carried out on November 12, 1991, and numerous JNA soldiers participated, including units from Tito's Korenica and Plaški.

The investigation is based on documentation that confirms that the attack was planned and conducted with the aim of expelling the civilian population of Croatian nationality and destroying critical infrastructure. In addition to military equipment, such as tanks and aircraft, paramilitary formations from Serbia and Montenegro also participated in the attack, including notorious units like the "White Eagles" and "Šešelj's men." During this attack, more than a thousand facilities were destroyed, including 1171 houses and economic structures, and all social and infrastructural facilities in the area were devastated.

JNA members attacked indiscriminately

According to statements from the prosecution, the attacks were indiscriminate, targeting civilian objects, and the population had no opportunity for defense. The attack was aimed at destroying not only military infrastructure but also the civilian population that remained trapped in the attacked area. It is estimated that at least 37 people were killed during the attack, including civilians, mostly elderly. Many of those killed were at their doorsteps, while others attempted to flee into nearby forests.

Commander's responsibility for crimes

Evidence gathered during the investigation suggests that the suspect was aware of the crimes committed under his command, but despite this, he did not take any measures to prevent the crimes or punish those responsible. As the commander of operations, he is responsible for the actions of his subordinates, who participated in crimes against the civilian population. His failure to prevent crimes and punish the perpetrators is considered a key factor in raising charges against him.

Consequences of the attack on Saborsko

After the occupation of Saborsko, this place, along with surrounding villages, was almost completely devastated. Besides the physical destruction of infrastructure, Saborsko became a symbol of the suffering of the civilian population during the Homeland War. To this day, the remains of 29 murdered civilians have been exhumed, while searches for eight more people continue. These exhumations are part of a broader investigation into war crimes that occurred during the conflict in Croatia, and the attack on Saborsko represents one of the most tragic events of that period.

The investigation into this case continues, and further steps include collecting additional evidence and interviewing surviving witnesses. Justice for the victims and their families remains a priority for Croatian judicial authorities, and this process is crucial for prosecuting those responsible for the committed crimes.

Czas utworzenia: 01 października, 2024
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