Tourism results of Croatia 2024: growth of arrivals and challenges

Croatia's tourist results for 2024: increase in arrivals and overnight stays, challenges in sustainable development of accommodation capacities

Tourism in Croatia in 2024 recorded outstanding results with a growth of 4% in arrivals and 1% in overnight stays. Although the summer season is successful, the key challenges lie in the sustainable development of accommodation capacities and the strengthening of tourist traffic in the pre-season and post-season.

Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The tourism sector in Croatia is showing outstanding results throughout 2024, according to the latest data covering the first eight months. During this period, there were 16.9 million arrivals and 89.5 million overnight stays recorded, representing a 4% increase in arrivals and a 1% increase in overnight stays compared to the previous year. This increase in arrivals accompanies a tourism development strategy that increasingly focuses on strengthening the pre-season and post-season. Specifically, while maintaining high numbers during the summer, the priority is to ensure a steady increase in the months outside the main tourist season, so that Croatia becomes an attractive destination throughout the year.

Tourism Minister Tonči Glavina highlighted that Croatia has reached its limits in summer capacities. Although August recorded exceptionally successful figures, with around 265 thousand more arrivals than last year, growth in the summer months is no longer the goal. The potential for development lies in sustainable tourism that will be directed towards controlled growth of accommodation capacities, particularly in the non-commercial sector. This year, an additional 25 thousand beds in family accommodation have been added to the market, which has led to "hyperinflation" of supply in some regions, reflecting on the occupancy rates of accommodation capacities. Hotels have maintained a high occupancy rate of 95%, while private accommodation had a significantly lower occupancy rate, with an average of 62% during the season.

Financial successes and challenges

Financial indicators are also impressive. Just during the summer months, Croatia recorded over 5.4 billion euros in revenue, an increase of 11.5% compared to the previous year. Additionally, the number of fiscalized invoices has increased by 5%, and total revenue is expected to reach a record 15.2 billion euros by the end of the year. Despite these successes, Minister Glavina warns of the need for careful planning of capacity growth, especially considering that further uncontrolled growth could undermine service quality and the sustainability of tourism as a whole.

As part of a long-term strategy, the government plans to introduce an operational plan for the sustainability of accommodation capacities, with a special focus on legislative measures. The adoption of the Tourism Act and the introduction of property taxes are expected to ensure a balance between growth and service quality. The Minister emphasized that reducing pressure on the summer months and redirecting focus towards improving tourist infrastructure and sustainability is essential for future development.

Trends by regions

The most visited regions this year were Istria, which recorded 4.2 million arrivals, Split-Dalmatia with 3.2 million, and Primorje-Gorski Kotar with 2.6 million arrivals. Continental tourism is also showing growth, with a 6% increase in arrivals and a 5% increase in overnight stays. Tourists from Germany, Slovenia, and Austria remain the largest number of visitors, while domestic tourists show a stable increase with 2.2 million arrivals and 10.8 million overnight stays.

Kristjan Staničić, the director of the Croatian Tourist Board, announced the continuation of positive trends into the post-season. Promotional campaigns for early booking for the 2025 season have already been launched, focusing on key markets such as Germany, Austria, and the UK. Additionally, new promotional materials will be presented at the WTM fair in London at the end of this year, further strengthening Croatia's presence in the international tourism market.


Czas utworzenia: 10 września, 2024

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