In Gospić, a rich program was held to celebrate the 168th birthday of Nikola Tesla. The events began at noon with a round table discussion "Tesla's Tower of Humanity". Dr. Tatjana Kolak from the Lika Museum in Gospić presented the printed edition of last year's round table. At the event, scientists spoke about Tesla's inventions, wireless energy transmission, and other innovations.
In the evening, in front of Tesla's birthplace in Smiljan, the play "Tesla - Full Circle" was performed, produced by the Doll Factory Zagreb and the Nikola Tesla Network Association. This play, which has also captivated international audiences in New York, gathered well-known names from the Croatian acting scene.
At Stjepan Radić Square, starting at 8:30 PM, the Tesla Power of Lights show was held. Buildings in Gospić connected to Tesla were illuminated, and visitors enjoyed a light laser show, projections on a water wall, and a concert by Giuliano & Diktatori. Children were thrilled with the light installations in the NEON playground and glow wall playground.
The main attraction was the Rimac Nevera, the world's first production electric hypercar. With 1914 horsepower and the fastest acceleration among production cars (0 to 100 km/h in less than two seconds and to 300 km/h in just 9.3 seconds), it was a real hit. Everyone wanted a photo with this impressive car, which was appropriately illuminated.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 11 Juli, 2024
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