Traditional Christmas and New Year's concert in Dobrinj with a humanitarian goal and a rich program

On December 26, 2024, Dobrinj will host the traditional Christmas and New Year's concert with performances by Zvon Choir, Trio Fjok and Eni Jurišić & Vjekoslav Ključarić. The program has a humanitarian character, and the funds are intended to help Gabriel Mance and Teo Jelenović. Admission is free, with the collection of voluntary contributions.

Traditional Christmas and New Year
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

In the heart of the island of Krk, in the municipality of Dobrinj, the Christmas period is marked by a series of events called "Advent in Dobrinj 2024". This event, which lasts from December 7th to 31st, offers various sports activities, music performances, and a rich gastronomic offer for all visitors.

Sports Advent Weekend

The program starts with a sports weekend in Klimno:

  • December 7th, 2024. - Winter running league "Igor Malešević" starting at 10:30 AM at the waterfront in Klimno.

  • December 8th, 2024. - Second Advent Cycling Tour on the Klimno-Šilo-Klimno route, starting at 11:00 AM from the waterfront in Klimno. After the cycling tour, there will be entertainment with the G-dur trio from 1:00 PM.

Donor Advent in Polje

December 15th, 2024. - In Polje, after the holy mass, the Donor Advent will take place with a rich gastronomic offer: mulled wine, fries, sausages, and kapuz. The entertainment will be provided by VIS Petrići, Pučki pivači Kaštel Lukšić, and Duo Pegla.

Advent at Placa in Dobrinj

December 21st, 2024. - The central Advent celebration will take place at Placa in Dobrinj with a performance by Neno Belan & Fiumensa. The program starts at 7:00 PM, and visitors can expect an unforgettable evening filled with music and dance.

Christmas and New Year Concert

December 26th, 2024. - In the Sports Hall of the Dobrinj Branch School, starting at 6:00 PM, the traditional Christmas and New Year concert will take place. The performers will include the Zvon Choir, Trio Fjok, and Eni Jurišić & Vjekoslav Ključarić band, with the participation of all sections of the folk group of the Iva Jelenović Cultural Society. The concert has a humanitarian character; the collected funds will be donated to help Gabriel Mance and Teo Jelenović.

Jubilee 10th Farewell to the Old Year in Klimno

December 31st, 2024. - For the tenth consecutive year, the farewell to the Old Year will take place in Klimno, starting at 11:00 AM. The traditional winter swimming for the bravest, with a rich gastronomic offer and entertainment with Klapa Kampanel and Dellboys, will ensure a joyful entry into the New Year.

The organizers invite all interested to join these events and experience the magic of Advent in Dobrinj together.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 24 Dezember, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

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