GLORY kickboxing's exciting return to the Zagreb Arena: Announcement of a spectacular martial arts evening with Plazibat and Brestovac

For the first time in more than a decade, GLORY is bringing the kickboxing spectacle to the Zagreb Arena. With the main battles of Antonio Plazibat and the farewell of Mladen Brestovac, the event promises a superb sports experience and an unforgettable evening for all lovers of martial arts.

GLORY kickboxing
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

For the first time in over a decade, GLORY, the world-renowned kickboxing organization, returns to Croatia with GLORY 95, scheduled for September 21, 2024, at Arena Zagreb. This exceptional sporting event promises to bring unprecedented excitement to all martial arts enthusiasts in the region and beyond.
Buy tickets for GLORY 95 at Arena Zagreb

Main event of the evening
The highlight will be the return of Croatian martial arts star Antonio Plazibat (22-5, 16 KO), who will face top contender Levi Rigters (18-2, 8 KO). Plazibat, after recovering from a hand injury that kept him out of the ring for over a year, returns determined to deliver a spectacle and victory in front of his audience. His energy and readiness will be key in this clash, which many consider one of the most significant in his career.
Buy tickets for GLORY 95 at Arena Zagreb

Mladen Brestovac's farewell fight
In addition to Plazibat, this event will also be special due to the farewell fight of Mladen Brestovac (55-14-1, 37 KO), one of Croatia's most famous kickboxers. Brestovac will face experienced Vladimir Tok (41-20, 28 KO), and this match marks the end of his professional career. Brestovac, known for his prowess and skill, wants to bid farewell to the sport with dignity in front of the home audience, making this fight special and emotional for all present.
Buy tickets for GLORY 95 at Arena Zagreb

Other notable fighters and events
The event will also feature other top fighters who will ensure the evening is filled with action and adrenaline-pumping moments. KO specialist Hamicha (41-2, 30 KO) will face talented Frenchman Cedric Do (16-5, 9 KO), while Croatia's Andrej Kedves will have the opportunity to showcase his skills against Guerric Billet (41-7-1, 17 KO). These encounters will further increase interest and excitement among the audience, making GLORY 95 an event not to be missed.
Buy tickets for GLORY 95 at Arena Zagreb

Interest and ticket sales
Interest in GLORY 95 is exceptionally high, and tickets are already on sale. Prices vary depending on the location in the arena, with the cheapest tickets available for 18 euros, while the most expensive tickets, offering the closest view of the ring, are available for 300 euros. It is recommended to purchase in advance to secure a spot at this exciting event. For more information and ticket purchase, visit the link below:
Buy tickets for GLORY 95 at Arena Zagreb

Preparations and expectations
As the event date approaches, additional fights and participants are expected to be announced, further enriching the program. GLORY 95 is not just GLORY's return to Croatia, but also a confirmation of the quality and importance that kickboxing holds in the region. This event is an opportunity for Croatian fighters to present themselves to the home audience and for martial arts enthusiasts to witness a spectacle that brings top-notch fights and emotions at the highest level.
Buy tickets for GLORY 95 at Arena Zagreb

Organizers expect Arena Zagreb to be filled to the last seat and therefore advise everyone interested to secure their tickets in time. Besides the fights, the event will offer additional content to enrich the experience of those present, including various promotional activities and opportunities to meet the fighters.
Buy tickets for GLORY 95 at Arena Zagreb

GLORY 95 is an event that will surely mark 2024 on the martial arts scene in the Balkans and beyond. Prepare for an evening filled with top-notch fights, passionate cheering, and unforgettable moments at Arena Zagreb.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 August, 2024
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