By the end of this year, the Croatian Navy will receive the first of the remaining four coastal patrol vessels, continuing its modernization and strengthening, said Minister Anušić.
The first coastal patrol vessel of the remaining four, newbuild 541, was launched on July 1, 2024, at the Special Facilities Shipyard in Split.
Following the reception of the prototype coastal patrol vessel named Omiš, this is the second vessel in a series of five vessels contracted by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia.
Project Completion
The completion of the coastal patrol vessel construction project has been one of the priorities of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić since the beginning of his term.
Minister Anušić stated that he congratulates Brodosplit on the launch and that the Croatian Navy will have a coastal patrol vessel intended for the Coast Guard by the end of the year. He added that with the completion of this project, the modernization and strengthening of the Croatian Navy will continue.
After today's launch, final outfitting and finishing work will continue. Shortly after, prescribed sea trials and battle firing will begin. The ship's crew is currently undergoing theoretical training and familiarization with the ship's characteristics, management, and maintenance, conducted by the builder.
Costs and Deadlines
The delivery deadline for this vessel is by the end of 2024, and the completion costs, including costs for related equipment, amount to 5,675,614.59 euros including VAT.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 Juli, 2024
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