With the arrival of the multi-purpose combat aircraft Rafale in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, the further training and improvement of Croatian Air Force pilots continued in order for the Republic of Croatia to successfully monitor and protect its airspace.
The training of pilots on Rafale aircraft is conducted daily throughout Croatia while adhering to all safety standards and legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia.
However, flying a supersonic combat aircraft (especially in areas near airports) cannot be carried out without the noise of aircraft engines.
Namely, it is an extremely capable aircraft with a very long range and airborne time.
As a result, in the upcoming period, the noise of aircraft engines will be heard throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia during the day, and occasionally in the evening hours.
We emphasize that during the planned flights, breaking the sound barrier is not expected, but short-term increased noise is possible.
In the event of breaking the sound barrier, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia will, as always, inform the public about such activities in a timely manner through its official communication channels and the media.
Due to all the above, the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia hereby ask the citizens for support for the pilots during their training, as well as for patience and understanding due to the increased noise.
Let's recall, the Croatian Air Force, or the Republic of Croatia, with the arrival of the Rafale in the Croatian Army, has begun a long-awaited new chapter of airspace monitoring and protection, contributing to the greater security of all Croatian citizens.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 25 Juni, 2024
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