The Gradina No Limit art event at Trsat Castle presents the exhibition of Ana Grubić and Edi Gustin, with a rich accompanying program and free entry

Visit Trsat Castle and enjoy the exhibition of unique works of art by Ana Grubić and Edi Gustin. The Gradina No Limit event brings a rich program until September 13.

The Gradina No Limit art event at Trsat Castle presents the exhibition of Ana Grubić and Edi Gustin, with a rich accompanying program and free entry
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

During the four-day event held at the impressive location of the Trsat Castle, artists Ana Grubić and Edi Gustin once again demonstrated why Gradina No Limit has a prominent place in the art world. Organized by the Rijeka Tourist Board in collaboration with the Croatian Society of Fine Artists, this art event brings unique works that were created from August 6th to 9th and are exhibited in the Space of the Hero at the Trsat Castle.

Ana Grubić and Edi Gustin: different styles, unique vision
Edi Gustin focuses on expression through colors, while Ana Grubić uses various techniques, carefully and expertly combining different and contrasting elements to create unique artworks. This synergy of artistic expressions was highlighted by Mr. Jasna Rodin in her opening speech. Their works reflect deep dedication and passion for art, each in their unique way, making them recognizable in the contemporary art scene.
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Significance of the Gradina No Limit event
The Gradina No Limit event is not only an opportunity to showcase works but also to connect artists and audiences through the exchange of ideas and creativity. It is an opportunity for visitors to get acquainted with different techniques and approaches in art and to enjoy the unique ambiance of the Trsat Castle, whose historical and cultural heritage further enriches the experience.

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Exhibition opening ceremony and availability
The exhibition's grand opening was held on August 9th at 8 PM. The ceremony was opened by representatives of the Rijeka Tourist Board, with the support of the Croatian Society of Fine Artists, and in the presence of the artists Ana Grubić and Edi Gustin themselves. Visitors will be able to enjoy the exhibition until September 13th, daily from 9 AM to 9 PM, with free admission, providing an opportunity for the general public to experience the richness of contemporary art.

Creative space of Trsat Castle
Trsat Castle, with its rich history and spectacular view of the city, becomes an ideal place for such cultural events. The castle, which is itself a significant tourist attraction, offers a unique backdrop for artistic installations and performances, thereby further attracting visitors and tourists from around the world. This symbiosis of history and contemporary art makes each visit to the castle a special experience.
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Continuation of the program as part of the 19th Summer at Gradina
As part of the rich program, on August 19th, starting at 9 PM, the Night of Great Reading is planned. This event further enriches the cultural offer of the summer at Gradina and invites all literature lovers to join and enjoy a special evening dedicated to the written word.

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For more information about all events, visit the official website of the Rijeka Tourist Board via this link.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 August, 2024
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