Tourism reform in Croatia: sustainable management of destinations through ordinances and guidelines for the preservation of local communities and the environment

The Ministry of Tourism is introducing a number of reforms with the aim of sustainable management of tourism capacities. The new rules help destinations balance tourism development with preserving the environment and the well-being of local communities.

Tourism reform in Croatia: sustainable management of destinations through ordinances and guidelines for the preservation of local communities and the environment
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Croatia has continued to implement key reforms in tourism in 2024, focusing on sustainability, resilience, and digital transition. The Ministry of Tourism and Sports, in collaboration with relevant bodies and institutions, is working on establishing a comprehensive system that will enable better oversight of tourism development and its impact on the environment and local communities. These changes include the adoption of several regulations that will assist destinations in managing their tourism capacities in a way that reduces the negative effects of overtourism.

One of the key segments of the reform relates to the Regulation on the Methodology for Calculating Acceptable Capacity, which defines the maximum number of tourists a destination can accommodate at any one time without compromising the quality of life of the local population or the tourist infrastructure. This calculation is particularly important for more developed destinations facing a large influx of tourists, aiming to prevent the negative consequences of overtourism. In order for the calculations to be applied correctly, the Ministry has published guidelines that detail the process of data collection and the methods for primary research activities, including surveying the local population and tourists.

In addition to capacity management, a key component of the reform is the establishment of a tourism sustainability index, which allows destinations to track their development through clearly defined indicators. The Ministry has placed special emphasis on the importance of uniform action by all tourism communities, but has also left room for flexibility, so that each destination can adapt its development direction according to local specifics. This strategy also enables cities and municipalities to limit the issuance of new permits for accommodation and hospitality facilities if the capacity calculations indicate that it is necessary, providing them with additional tools for managing tourism development.

The regulations and guidelines adopted under this reform form the foundation for the long-term sustainable development of tourism until 2030. The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has also introduced a new tourism law, which establishes a framework for systematic monitoring and development of the sector. The law envisions the establishment of a satellite account for tourism sustainability, which will provide detailed information on the economic, ecological, and social impacts of tourism at the level of national and regional tourism communities. This will enable a higher quality assessment and planning of activities aimed at preserving natural resources, improving the quality of life for residents, and ensuring the competitiveness of Croatian tourism on a global scale.

An important element of this strategy is also the destination management plans, which must be adopted by the end of this year for lower-category destinations (ITR III, IV, and 0), while more developed destinations (ITR I and II) will have a deadline until the end of 2025. These plans provide the basis for the development of accommodation capacities, determining areas for new investments, and restrictions in areas where necessary. They also allow for greater coordination between local self-government and tourism communities, creating a more sustainable tourism ecosystem.

Through these reforms, Croatia positions itself as one of the leaders in sustainable tourism in Europe, ensuring long-term benefits for both the local population and tourists. Increased attention to sustainability, environmental preservation, and the reduction of tourism seasonality are key factors in achieving the goals set for 2030, and collaboration between tourism communities, local authorities, and national bodies will remain crucial for the success of this ambitious strategy.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 29 September, 2024
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