The public in Dubrovnik is once again unsettled following the latest recommendation from Vodovod Dubrovnik advising residents of Vrbica, Štikovica, and both Small and Large Zaton to avoid using the water due to an unpleasant odor. The problem, which has been ongoing for two weeks, raises numerous questions about the quality of water management and the transparency of the operations of this important city utility. Although the results of microbiological analyses show that the water meets required standards, residents have been advised not to use it for cooking, showering, or any personal use. This situation has raised doubt and dissatisfaction among the population.
Answers and concrete actions are being sought
Member of Parliament and candidate for mayor of Dubrovnik, Viktorija Knežević, publicly criticized the way Vodovod Dubrovnik is handling this issue. She pointed out the delay in providing information and the fact that citizens were left without any concrete instructions two days after the problem began. “Citizens have the right to know what is going on. When the problem first arose, Vodovod did not respond in a timely manner, and even today we have no clear answers. Why are the results of the analyses not available and what exactly are they doing to solve this problem?” – Knežević asked.
According to her, the situation requires an urgent and detailed investigation to determine whether there is any undetected contamination in the system that could jeopardize the health of the residents. She particularly emphasized the importance of engaging independent experts to analyze the water and the procedures being followed by Vodovod Dubrovnik. “If the water is microbiologically safe, the unpleasant odor may indicate chemical contamination. Citizens deserve full transparency and explanations for every step Vodovod is taking,” she added.
Questions left unanswered
Knežević pointed out that this approach only further undermines public trust in public services. In her statement, she warned about the possibility that inadequate sampling or analyses could lead to incorrect conclusions about the water quality. “If the water cannot be used, but the analyses show it is safe, something is wrong. Either the samples were not taken correctly, or the analyses themselves are not precise enough,” she stressed.
Furthermore, she believes that this incident highlights chronic problems in the water supply management system that have been neglected for years. “This is not the first time Dubrovnik has faced a water quality issue. Rain regularly causes turbidity, but the situation in which the water is not usable for basic needs, and we don’t know why, is unacceptable,” Knežević said.
System reform needed
This event has once again raised the issue of the quality and sustainability of the water supply system in Dubrovnik. Experts are warning about the need to modernize infrastructure and improve planning for emergency situations. Knežević believes it is time for systemic changes that will ensure greater accountability to citizens. “Vodovod Dubrovnik and the City of Dubrovnik must take decisive action to ensure that such situations do not happen again. This includes investing in better monitoring systems, timely communication, and ensuring that citizens always have access to safe and quality water,” she concluded.
While the citizens of Dubrovnik are waiting for concrete answers and solutions, the open question remains as to how long this crisis of trust in the system, which should serve their fundamental needs, will last.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Dezember, 2024
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