Prime Minister Andrej Plenković today hosted Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, at Banski dvori.
Along with the Prime Minister, the meeting was attended by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Green Transition Marija Vučković and the Minister of Economy Ante Šušnjar.
The meeting discussed the implementation of the European Union's Green Deal and the possibilities of connecting the green transition with economic growth and increasing competitiveness. Special attention was paid to energy prices, the use of renewable energy sources, and trade and industrial policy.
Additionally, the importance of the EU's Recovery and Resilience Facility, which Croatia successfully utilizes through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, was emphasized.
Prime Minister Plenković informed Vice-President Šefčovič about positive economic trends in Croatia, highlighting the Government's priorities in the context of the green and digital transition, as well as addressing demographic challenges and ensuring affordable housing.
Effective Communication
The interlocutors stressed the need for continuous work on effective communication regarding the green transition and the economic opportunities it brings. Satisfaction was expressed with the cooperation so far between the European Commission and the Government, with the expectation of even closer cooperation due to new challenges caused by current geopolitical and security situations in Europe and the world.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 13 Juli, 2024
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