President Milanovic emphasizes the importance of sustainable development of Istria and the challenges of demographic changes in the context of the European Union and the Croatian economy

President Zoran Milanovic praised the success of Istria as one of the most developed regions of Croatia, despite demographic challenges, emphasizing the importance of preserving resources and fighting for national interests within the European Union.

President Milanovic emphasizes the importance of sustainable development of Istria and the challenges of demographic changes in the context of the European Union and the Croatian economy
Photo by: Ured predsjednika Republike Hrvatske / Dario Andrišek/

The President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, participated in the ceremonial session of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Vižinada, on the occasion of the Municipality Day and the feast of Saint Jerome. During his speech, he reflected on the key challenges and successes of Istria, a region that stands out as one of the most developed parts of Croatia. Despite the decline in population over history, Istria has built itself as an example of economic and social success, serving as an inspiration for other parts of Croatia.

Milanović emphasized the importance of sustainable development, warning that an increase in population could negatively affect the quality of life and the region's resources. "Istria has managed to achieve a high level of development with a smaller population, which raises questions about the resources that are crucial for progress. Imagine how Istria would look with twice the population, how that would impact real estate prices, resources, and quality of life," the president said.

In the context of the European Union, President Milanović pointed out that Istria has crossed the threshold of development, which is why, according to EU rules, it must now assist less developed regions. Despite this, he stressed the importance of Croatia maintaining balance in the European community, taking care of its own interests. "Although the EU advocates for solidarity, key decisions must be made within our country – in Istria, Zagreb, and all parts of Croatia," Milanović added.

In addition to economic and political themes, the president also reflected on Istria's cultural heritage and visited the Creative Center Sonda, a project that connects artistic and cultural initiatives in Vižinada. He met with representatives of local winemakers from the "Istra Origin" association, discussing challenges in agriculture, viticulture, and branding local products.

At the ceremonial session, alongside President Milanović, speakers included Istrian Prefect Boris Miletić, President of the Municipal Council Oliver Arman, and parliamentary representative Sanja Radolović. Milanović praised the efforts of local communities in accessing European funds, which enabled Vižinada to build a kindergarten, sewage system, and numerous other projects that improved the quality of life for residents.

Particularly noteworthy was the awarding of recognition to deserving citizens. Among the awardees were Silvija Kovačić, Executive Director of the Sonda Association, for her contributions to the development of the local community, as well as Franko Ferenc and Edi Ritoša, recognized for their contributions to the development of sports and the enhancement of sports facilities. Additionally, the Conservation Department in Pula was awarded for the protection of cultural heritage in the area of Vižinada, successfully preserving the valuable heritage of this region.

This session, besides celebrating the Municipality Day and the feast of Saint Jerome, was an opportunity for reflection on the past, as well as for defining the future direction of development for Vižinada and the entire Istria. Given the current economic and demographic challenges, the Istrian development model could serve as an example for many other regions in Croatia facing similar problems, it was concluded during the session.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 01 Oktober, 2024
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