About Us – Karlobag.eu: Promoting Transparency and Honesty through Innovation

Karlobag.eu is an international news portal focused on providing transparent and honest information. This platform is the result of years of experience and expertise from developers, supported by funds from the European Union. The portal offers a variety of news and analysis, encouraging open communication and dialogue among users. Its mission is to provide access to relevant information and empower the community through education and awareness

About Us – Karlobag.eu: Promoting Transparency and Honesty through Innovation
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Karlobag.eu was born out of enthusiasm and innovation, driven by funds from the European Union and the support of our European partners, but without the help of the Karlobag municipality. We consciously chose this path, not wanting to become just another "bite of bloated local politics." This portal is the result of more than three decades of work and experience of our team of developers and authors who have created or participated in creating most of the most-read portals in Croatia, as well as numerous other projects around the world, with a special emphasis on volunteering in projects in African countries where Croatian Catholic missionaries operate.

We were among the first internet application developers in Croatia in the early 1990s, as well as among the first in this part of Europe to be recognized and paid by Google for our work. Our team is always at the forefront of technological advancement, adopting new technologies and striving to provide the best user experience. Our passion for development and progress is what makes us unique.

The main goal of the Karlobag.eu project is to empower the Croatian people to stop being held hostage by "various same-colored political options" that have continuously ruled this area for almost a century through public discussion and transparency. Our desire is for tourists to fall in love with this beautiful part of Croatia at first visit, and for the Croatians living here to fall back in love with their region.

Karlobag.eu is also one of the first projects in Croatia to use artificial intelligence (AI). Through this project, we want to highlight both the advantages of AI, but also the dangers, especially when there is a lack of intelligence, morality, and honesty among those who manage the community or AI. Our project is based on openness and transparency, striving to remove barriers between "them" and our community.

Our mission is to encourage critical thinking and citizen engagement by providing a platform for open communication. Karlobag.eu is a place where your voice is heard. We want to pave the way for new ideas, to encourage dialogue, exchange of opinions, and create a better and more prosperous society. We are here to support and encourage our community to take action.

We believe in the potential of this region and strive for it to develop without the burden of local politics. We want to earn your trust! We are here for you, and we want to fight together for a better future.

Karlobag.eu is your platform, your voice!

Join us on this exciting journey towards transparency and progress.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Oktober, 2024
Hinweis für unsere Leser:
Das Portal Karlobag.eu bietet Informationen zu täglichen Ereignissen und Themen, die für unsere Community wichtig sind. Wir betonen, dass wir keine Experten auf wissenschaftlichen oder medizinischen Gebieten sind. Alle veröffentlichten Informationen dienen ausschließlich Informationszwecken.
Bitte betrachten Sie die Informationen auf unserem Portal nicht als völlig korrekt und konsultieren Sie immer Ihren eigenen Arzt oder Fachmann, bevor Sie Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage dieser Informationen treffen.
Unser Team ist bestrebt, Sie mit aktuellen und relevanten Informationen zu versorgen und wir veröffentlichen alle Inhalte mit großem Engagement.
Wir laden Sie ein, Ihre Geschichten aus Karlobag mit uns zu teilen!
Ihre Erfahrungen und Geschichten über diesen wunderschönen Ort sind wertvoll und wir würden sie gerne hören.
Sie können sie gerne senden an uns unter karlobag@karlobag.eu.
Ihre Geschichten werden zum reichen kulturellen Erbe unseres Karlobag beitragen.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihre Erinnerungen mit uns teilen!


Die Redaktion des Portals Karlobag.eu bringt Ihnen aktuelle Nachrichten und Informationen aus Karlobag und Umgebung, egal ob es um politische, wirtschaftliche, kulturelle oder sportliche Themen geht. Unser Ziel ist es, den Lesern relevante Informationen zu bieten und Transparenz, Ehrlichkeit und moralische Werte zu fördern.