Duo suspected of grand theft by fraud in Zagreb: stole more than 20,000 euros by impersonating medical workers

The Municipal Criminal State Attorney's Office has issued an indictment against two Croatian citizens for aggravated theft in Zagreb. Using false identities, the defendants entered the victims' homes posing as medical personnel, and the total loot reached 20,000 euros.

Duo suspected of grand theft by fraud in Zagreb: stole more than 20,000 euros by impersonating medical workers
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The municipal criminal state attorney's office in Zagreb has filed charges on September 4, 2024, against two Croatian citizens for multiple counts of serious theft. According to available information, the indictment accuses a 35-year-old woman and a 55-year-old man of falsely presenting themselves as medical professionals between April and May 2024, with their victims primarily being elderly people in Zagreb. Their modus operandi was to convince victims they were providing medical services, which resulted in entering victims' apartments where they stole significant amounts of money.

This complex case involves several separate incidents in which the suspects collected a total of nearly 20,000 euros. The key evidence against them comes from victim statements, who agreed to examinations due to convincing false claims of the accused. The thefts in the apartments occurred after the suspects entered under the pretense of conducting health assessments. According to investigation documents, they are suspected of using sophisticated psychological pressure methods to gain access to victims' homes, which allowed them to steal undisturbed.

In addition to the aforementioned incidents, the first accused is also charged with two additional counts of serious theft committed at the end of April and the beginning of May 2024. These criminal acts were carried out in a similar manner to the previous incidents, and the total amount stolen in these two cases is around 4,300 euros. An unidentified man who participated in these thefts has not yet been identified, but investigative authorities are intensively working on gathering new information.

The municipal criminal state attorney's office in Zagreb has requested an extension of the investigative detention for both accused, citing the danger of reoffending and the possibility of escape. Collected evidence shows that the accused meticulously planned their activities, focusing primarily on vulnerable groups, especially elderly people who were easy targets of their frauds.

Considering the seriousness of the charges and the significant harm caused to the victims, it is expected that the judicial authorities will carefully review all available evidence. Previous similar cases of serious theft in Zagreb have shown that courts are usually strict towards perpetrators of such crimes, especially in cases of repeated frauds and thefts. Relevant services are urging all citizens to be cautious when accepting medical examinations at home to avoid becoming victims of similar frauds.

Further developments in the court proceedings are expected in the coming weeks, with investigative authorities continuing to work on gathering additional information and testimonies that could help in further clarifying this case.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 05 September, 2024
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