One citizen from Otočac yesterday voluntarily handed over 49 rounds of rifle ammunition and 27 detonator caps for slow-burning fuses. These dangerous items were taken by a police officer specialized in explosive protection, who safely stored them until destruction. The handover of these items is a significant step towards reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall safety in the community.
Voluntary surrender of weapons
The voluntary surrender of weapons and explosive materials is not only an act of responsibility for one's own safety but also for the safety of the entire community. The police urge citizens that, if they possess or find weapons, they should immediately notify the relevant authorities. Every voluntary surrender results in avoiding criminal or misdemeanor proceedings, which further motivates citizens to take this responsible action.
How to surrender weapons?
Citizens who wish to voluntarily surrender weapons can contact the police at the number 192. Plainclothes police officers will come to the citizen's home address in an unmarked vehicle, ensuring complete anonymity during the handover. Surrendering weapons in this manner allows citizens to avoid legal sanctions while contributing to community safety.
The importance of surrendering weapons for safety
Every surrender of weapons reduces potential dangers in the community. Improper storage or mishandling of explosive materials can lead to serious accidents. By handing over these items, citizens actively participate in creating a safer environment for everyone. The police continuously conduct campaigns and informational actions to raise awareness about the importance of surrendering weapons and explosive materials.
Less weapons, fewer tragedies
Less weapons in homes and on the streets means a lower risk of tragic events. Every citizen who decides to surrender weapons contributes to reducing the chances of accidents and violence. The police continue to appeal to all those who still possess illegal or unwanted weapons to surrender them so that we can collectively ensure a safer future.
Responsible behavior of citizens, such as the voluntary surrender of weapons, is a key factor in reducing crime and accidents related to weapons. This initiative is not only a legal obligation but also a moral duty to the community. With the support of the police and local authorities, citizens have the opportunity to significantly contribute to the preservation of peace and safety in their environments.
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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 14 August, 2024
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