Safety on the Adriatic Sea: the importance of complying with regulations for speedboats and swimmers during the summer season

Safety at sea during the summer requires strict compliance with regulations. Maritime police provide surveillance of speedboats and swimmers to prevent accidents. Learn more about protection measures and tips to enjoy the Adriatic safely.

Safety on the Adriatic Sea: the importance of complying with regulations for speedboats and swimmers during the summer season
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Safety Warning for Navigation
Safety at sea during the summer months, when traffic is at its peak, requires special attention. We remind all citizens and tourists that jet skiing is allowed only at a distance greater than 300 meters from the shore. This provision is not just a rule but a necessity to ensure the safety of swimmers and divers in the Adriatic Sea. We urge all visitors to strictly adhere to this measure, while we warn swimmers not to swim further than 100 meters from the shore and to avoid areas marked as shipping lanes.

Interventions of Maritime Police
The Senj Police Station, responsible for monitoring safety at sea, conducted a coordinated action in the area of the islands of Rab and Pag on August 8, 2024. During the action, the maritime police caught five people on the spot who were jet skiing unauthorized within 300 meters from the shore, thereby violating safety regulations. Among the offenders were two German nationals, two from Poland, and one from Hungary. All were issued mandatory misdemeanor orders and were explained the importance of complying with safety rules to prevent accidents at sea.

Accident Prevention and Education
Every year, especially during the tourist season, there is an increase in the number of vessels and people at sea. Therefore, the maritime police intensifies its monitoring activities to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of all participants at sea. Education is a key component of these efforts, aiming to inform all sea users about navigation rules and safety measures. Through various campaigns and informative materials, we strive to raise awareness of the importance of responsible behavior on the water.

Safety of Swimmers and Divers
Swimmers and divers represent a vulnerable group at sea, especially near the shore where vessel traffic is often the highest. For this reason, we advise all swimmers to stay within 100 meters from the shore to avoid possible dangers from jet skis and other vessels. Swimmers also need to be aware that certain areas, such as those marked as shipping lanes, can be dangerous due to increased traffic.

Recommendations for Mariners
Mariners, whether tourists or locals, should adhere to all maritime rules and regulations. This includes respecting speed limits, jet skiing rules, and general safety guidelines. Proper understanding and compliance with these rules are crucial to ensuring a safe environment for all participants. Besides reducing the risk of accidents, responsible behavior of mariners contributes to the preservation of the natural beauty and ecosystem of the Adriatic Sea.

The maritime police will continue to actively work on enforcing safety measures and monitoring maritime traffic. The cooperation of all participants at sea, from mariners to swimmers, is essential to maintaining high safety standards and protecting everyone who enjoys the charms of the Adriatic Sea.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 August, 2024
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