Security of hospital systems in the digital age: strengthening patient protection from cyber threats through innovative technologies and collaboration

In the healthcare system, cybersecurity is becoming crucial for data protection and patient safety. The Ministry of Health and relevant services cooperate to improve security measures and reduce the risk of attacks.

Security of hospital systems in the digital age: strengthening patient protection from cyber threats through innovative technologies and collaboration
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Cybersecurity in the hospital system is becoming a crucial aspect of preserving the health and safety of patients. Recently, the growing threat of cyberattacks has focused attention on the need to strengthen the protection of IT systems within healthcare institutions. During a recent working meeting at the Ministry of Health, participants discussed a range of measures aimed at increasing the security and resilience of these systems.

Enhanced cooperation between ministries
At the meeting, State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Administration, and Digital Transformation Bernard Gršić, representatives of the SOA Cybersecurity Center, and the Minister of Health, Assoc. Prof. Dr. sc. Vili Beroš, MD, participated. During the discussions, specific measures were considered to enable better protection and monitoring of IT infrastructure in the healthcare system. With an emphasis on security protocols and system monitoring, participants identified key steps to improve security standards.

Technological upgrade of hospital systems
One of the main conclusions of the meeting relates to the need to expand the use of advanced tools for protecting hospital IT systems. These measures include the implementation of new software solutions that will enable automatic detection and neutralization of threats, as well as additional training of staff to increase their awareness and ability to effectively manage security challenges. Minister Beroš emphasized the importance of quick response and preventive action to minimize the risk of cyberattacks.

Patient safety as a priority
Minister Beroš particularly emphasized that protecting patients from potential risks is a priority in all efforts to improve cybersecurity. He is aware that hospital systems are exposed to risks daily that can endanger not only data but also patients' lives. Therefore, it is of crucial importance that all stakeholders in the healthcare system work together to ensure the stability and security of systems that are at the center of healthcare.

"Our responsibility is to protect patients and ensure that their data is secure. We are making significant efforts to improve security standards in the healthcare sector because the security of IT systems is one of the fundamental elements of modern healthcare. These meetings and cooperation between ministries are key to achieving these goals," said Minister Beroš.

Future steps in strengthening security
The Ministry of Health intends to continue implementing new security measures, including the development of new strategies for the rapid detection and response to threats. Also, the creation of new protocols for better coordination between hospital institutions and state bodies is planned. It is expected that these measures will lead to a significant increase in the resilience of the healthcare system to cyberattacks, thereby further ensuring the protection of patients and the preservation of the integrity of healthcare in Croatia.

Cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly important topic in the context of protecting healthcare institutions. The Ministry of Health, with the support of other relevant institutions, continues to work on building security capacities that will enable hospitals to face the challenges brought by the modern digital age. Every new measure and cooperation brings us one step closer to a safer and more resilient healthcare system that can respond to all the threats posed by cyberspace.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 August, 2024
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