The police warn about the dangers of fake SMS messages.
Recently, an increasing number of citizens have become victims of sophisticated fraud through SMS messages, also known as "phishing." This type of fraud is aimed at stealing personal data and financial assets from mobile device users. The latest case that came to light involves a 42-year-old woman from Zagreb who reported a fraud after receiving a fake SMS message claiming her delivery had been suspended.
How the fraud occurs
On August 16, 2024, the victim received an SMS message that appeared to be sent from a reputable parcel delivery company. The message stated that the delivery was suspended due to an incomplete address and offered a link to confirm the address so that the package could be delivered. By clicking on the link, the victim was redirected to a fake website that looked like the authentic page of the trading company. After entering her personal data and bank card details, she soon realized that more than 1000 euros had been withdrawn from her account.
The police investigate the case
After the victim reported the case, police officers from the Novalja Police Station immediately launched a criminal investigation. SMS frauds are becoming increasingly common, and perpetrators use various techniques to trick victims into giving them sensitive information. The police are working intensively to find those responsible for this crime, but they also urge citizens to be cautious and not fall for similar messages.
Tips for protection against fraud
The police advise citizens to be especially cautious when receiving unexpected messages asking for personal or financial data. If you are selling or buying something online, remember that it is enough to share only your IBAN number and your name. Never share your CVC/CVV code, card expiration date, or card number. This information is crucial for the security of your finances.
How to recognize a fake website
One way to protect yourself when shopping online is to use the CERT iffy service, which allows you to check the authenticity of online stores. Visit the website and enter the URL of the store you want to verify. If the site has features of a fake website, the system will warn you, which can help you avoid fraud.
Fraudsters are constantly evolving and using increasingly sophisticated methods to deceive people. It is important to stay informed and take all possible measures to protect your personal data and finances. Never follow links from suspicious messages, and always check the authenticity of the websites you visit.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 August, 2024
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