Commitment of Croatian athletes in Paris: 100 representatives at the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic emphasizes the successes of Croatian athletes in Paris, thanks to investment in sports and the work of the federation. The Croatian House in the Olympic Village serves as the center of gathering and promotion of Croatia.

Commitment of Croatian athletes in Paris: 100 representatives at the Olympic and Paralympic Games
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„I am pleased that all the investments in sports and, above all, the dedicated work of our federations and athletes in team or individual sports have led to the fact that today we have 100 athletes: 73 in regular sports, five in demonstration and 22 Paralympians who are defending Croatian colors at the world's largest sports summit,“ said Prime Minister Andrej Plenković after opening the Croatian House in the Olympic Village where he visited Croatian Olympians and wished them much success in individual and team sports at the Olympic Games.

He especially thanked the president of the Croatian Olympic Committee Zlatko Mateša and his associates, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, our member of the International Olympic Committee, Minister of Tourism Glavini, the Croatian Tourist Board and everyone who helped make the Croatian House during the Olympic Games a center of various activities and gatherings for those who support and love Croatian sports, thus contributing to the promotion of Croatia.

He expressed satisfaction that all investments in sports and, above all, the dedicated work of Croatian federations and athletes in team and individual sports have led to us being represented in Paris by 73 athletes in sports that are in regular Olympic Games competitions, 22 Paralympians, and those in so-called demonstration sports - beach handball and Thai boxing.

„A rather large number of our athletes. This was seen yesterday at the opening when we got our boat on the Seine, which was exclusively for Croatian athletes,“ the Prime Minister emphasized.

Support for all athletes to win medals again at the Olympic Games

He wished everyone much success and stated that we would celebrate every Croatian medal because, as a nation, we are very connected to sports.

„We experience these successes emotionally, and all of you who are involved in sports know how much effort, energy, and work, in addition to our well-known talent, it takes to achieve such accomplishments,“ said Plenković.

Speaking about the impressions from the Olympic Village, the Prime Minister congratulated the organizers, saying that the house chosen for our athletes is very nice and that he feels the athletes are satisfied with the conditions, accommodation, and equipment.

„They are all motivated, waiting for their days to compete,“ he assessed. He wished everyone success, emphasizing that we have a few positions where we are favorites, such as, for example, water polo players who are world champions and European vice-champions.

He said that he would try to follow all sports and support all competitors to win medals again at these Olympic Games.

„We will go to handball today, Croatia is playing against Japan. After that, I have to return to Croatia, the Minister of Tourism will visit more venues and be with our athletes,“ Plenković said.

When the Olympics are underway, there should be peace in the world - the Olympic truce

He commented on the opening of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, saying that France really made an effort.

„Everything was carefully planned, except for the weather. Paris was hit by heavy rain, which is still falling today and somewhat diminished the experience of this spectacle for live spectators. I think they really made an effort, the first opening outside the stadium. It was a review of French and Parisian history and French values that have become universal,“ said the Croatian Prime Minister.

He added that Paris is a fascinating city, reiterating that the organizers made a great choice, and the fact that the athletes sailed the Seine was very nice.

At the opening, there were many leaders who spent almost the entire afternoon together in an informal atmosphere, discussing many current topics.

„From the global security situation to various bilateral contacts. And respect to France for making such a nice start to the Olympic Games,“ he emphasized, adding that when the Olympics are underway, there should be peace - the Olympic truce.

In addition to meeting with Croatian athletes, Plenković took the opportunity to highlight the importance of the Croatian House as a center for promoting Croatian culture and sports, noting that this is an excellent opportunity to strengthen international relations and promote Croatia in the world. He emphasized that the Croatian House would be open to all interested visitors, further contributing to the promotion of our country on a global level.

During his visit, the Prime Minister also toured several sports venues and spoke with organizers and volunteers who are making great efforts to successfully implement the Games. Plenković expressed his satisfaction with the organization and thanked everyone involved in this major project.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 28 Juli, 2024
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