Rising violence in Haiti: Crisis exacerbated by gang control in Port-au-Prince and lack of humanitarian aid

Criminal gangs have taken control of much of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, causing mass displacement of residents and a critical shortage of basic necessities. The international community is trying to stabilize the situation, but without additional resources and a long-term political solution, the crisis threatens to become irreversible.

Rising violence in Haiti: Crisis exacerbated by gang control in Port-au-Prince and lack of humanitarian aid
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Haiti is facing the worst crisis in decades as gang violence escalates and humanitarian conditions are dramatically worsening. Gangs have now almost completely taken control of Port-au-Prince, where they control over 80% of urban areas. This chaos results in mass displacement and severe humanitarian consequences. Violence is not limited to the capital; it has spread to surrounding areas, such as the Artibonite region, where gangs have burned houses and communities, forcing thousands to flee.

One of the latest incidents involves an attack in which a gang known as "Gran Grif" attacked a community in Saint Marc, resulting in the deaths of at least 70 people, including women and children. This massacre illustrates the brutality of a situation that affects the population without any regard for their safety or living conditions. Residents are forced to live in overcrowded makeshift shelters that often lack basic sanitary conditions. The humanitarian organization UNFPA reports that access to food, water, and basic health services is restricted or completely unavailable in many areas.

Gangs not only attack civilian facilities and infrastructure but have also begun targeting international organizations. A recent attack on a UN helicopter, as it was preparing to land in Port-au-Prince, is an example of how gangs operate without fear of consequences. Although no one was injured in this incident, it clearly demonstrates how humanitarian work is becoming increasingly dangerous in such an environment. Due to the closure of major ports and roadblocks, a large number of containers with humanitarian supplies cannot be delivered to those in greatest need.

Resource distribution and survival struggles

UNICEF and other organizations are trying to provide basic services to the most vulnerable groups, but resources are limited. Children and women are in particularly dire situations; many have become victims of forced labor or sexual violence. Children are increasingly being recruited into gangs and are often used to gather information or as physical labor. Humanitarian organizations are calling for urgent intervention and the provision of financial assistance to ensure the protection of the most vulnerable, as well as to prevent further exploitation of children.

The passage for humanitarian aid is becoming increasingly restricted, especially after the blockage of major roads connecting Port-au-Prince to the southern parts of the country. Currently, the only operational base for distributing humanitarian aid is located in Cap-Haïtien, which also has a secondary international port. Due to restricted access and limited resources, the UN's Humanitarian Response Plan for 2024, amounting to $674 million, is currently funded at only 8% of the necessary resources.

The presence of international forces, led by the Kenyan police as part of the Multinational Security Mission (MSS), is still not effective enough. Although the mission has managed to stabilize some areas, including parts of the capital, experts warn that without additional financial and logistical support, long-term stabilization of the country will not be possible. Haitian authorities and international partners are advocating for the transformation of the current mission into a permanent peacekeeping mission under the UN, which would allow for sustained support in the fight against organized crime.

International community and the need for action

The international community faces the challenge of coordinating and ensuring long-term assistance to Haiti. While the UN and humanitarian partners are appealing to donors to increase funding and provide more flexible resources, the situation on the ground is continuously deteriorating. The closure of major transport routes and blockades in the capital are preventing the arrival of essential supplies such as water and food, and residents are increasingly at risk of hunger and disease. The return of cholera has further strained a health system that is already unable to provide adequate care.

Efforts by international forces, including military support from the Bahamas and Kenya, have failed to achieve significant results due to a lack of coordination and logistical challenges. The political crisis further complicates efforts to stabilize the country, while there is also a need to hold elections to form a legitimate authority that would have a mandate to negotiate with international actors.

Given the seriousness of the crisis, regional cooperation is essential, especially in regulating borders between Haiti and the Dominican Republic to prevent arms trafficking that further fuels violence. To achieve long-term stability, strong investments are needed to strengthen institutional capacities and combat corruption. Without a long-term plan from the international community and local authorities, the situation in Haiti threatens to become unsolvable, with the humanitarian crisis deepening and becoming more complex.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 26 Oktober, 2024
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