Start of police patrols with Chinese police officers in Zagreb

Start of joint police patrols with Chinese police officers in Zagreb for a safer 2024 tourist season

As part of the "Safe Tourist Destination" project, joint police patrols with Chinese police officers have started in the center of Zagreb to increase safety during the tourist season

Start of joint police patrols with Chinese police officers in Zagreb for a safer 2024 tourist season
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On Monday, July 22, 2024, as part of the "Safe Tourist Destination" project in the area of the Zagreb Police Department, joint police patrols began with two police officers from the PR China. They are assigned to the central area of Zagreb along with Zagreb police officers, especially at locations frequented by the most tourists.

The "Safe Tourist Destination 2024" project was officially opened on July 18 in Šibenik as part of the continuous preventive activities of the police and with the aim of strengthening international police cooperation. The aim of the project is to increase the safety of citizens and tourists. The project started in 1994 with the intention of providing tourists with a safe stay in Croatia. Since 2006, on the initiative of the Croatian police, other European countries have been sending their police officers to Croatia during the tourist season. Until 2023, 24 police organizations from 21 countries participated in the project.

For the 2024 season, the participation of 20 police organizations from 19 countries with a total of 97 foreign police officers is expected. From 2006 until now, a total of 1,207 foreign police officers will participate in the project.

Foreign police officers serve alongside Zagreb colleagues to establish direct contact with their nationals and improve communication between the Zagreb police and foreign nationals. The aim of the cooperation is to achieve and increase the sense of security of citizens and foreign tourists staying in Zagreb. Foreign police officers are there to help their nationals and Zagreb police officers in achieving better communication with guests from their countries. The project is not only intended for Chinese tourists but includes all visitors to Zagreb.

Since 2018, eight Chinese police officers have participated in the project in Zagreb, while two are deployed in 2024. The presence of foreign police officers helps create a sense of security among foreign citizens, which is one of the reasons they choose Croatia as a tourist destination.

Last year, 2023, Zagreb was visited by more than 1.3 million tourists, who achieved over 2 million overnight stays. Among them, guests from the PR China achieved 34,913 overnight stays. In the first half of 2024, Zagreb recorded 601,818 arrivals, of which 468,053 were foreign guests, and 1,186,570 overnight stays, of which 945,418 were foreign guests. Chinese guests have already achieved 22,013 overnight stays.

The "Safe Tourist Destination" project contributes to the success of every tourist destination because security is a key factor for visitors. The Zagreb Police Department strives to ensure that Zagreb and Croatia are recognized as the safest tourist destinations. The city of Zagreb represents a safe place for various forms of communication and interaction, including tourism, business, and cultural spheres. The project significantly contributes to this goal, ensuring tourists a safe and pleasant stay.

The Zagreb Police Department cooperates with other police organizations to ensure the safety of all visitors. Cooperation includes joint patrols, information exchange, and experience, and organizing various preventive activities. This international cooperation helps strengthen the security and trust of tourists, contributing to the positive image of Croatia as a safe destination.

The city of Zagreb continuously records an increase in the number of tourists, which is the result of quality promotion and security measures. In addition to Chinese police officers, police officers from other countries also participate in the project, which further contributes to the safety and sense of welcome for all visitors. The Zagreb Police Department actively participates in projects that promote the safety and quality of the tourist offer, which is reflected in the satisfaction of tourists and citizens.

Besides security measures, an important aspect of the success of a tourist destination is the quality of services offered to visitors. The city of Zagreb offers a wide range of cultural, gastronomic, and entertainment content, which, together with a sense of security, makes this destination attractive to tourists from all over the world. The Zagreb Police Department continues its efforts to ensure a safe and pleasant environment for all visitors, thus contributing to the success of the tourist season.

Zagreb, as the capital of Croatia, is recognized for its safety, hospitality, and diverse range of content. The Zagreb Police Department contributes to creating a positive image of the city, ensuring that every visitor has a safe and pleasant stay. The "Safe Tourist Destination" project is an important part of these efforts, as it strengthens security and the trust of tourists through cooperation with international police organizations.

As part of the project, police officers from other countries participate in various activities that promote security and prevention. These activities include educating tourists, providing information about security measures, and helping in emergency situations. Cooperation with international police organizations enables the exchange of best practices and experiences, contributing to better protection and security of all visitors.

The Zagreb Police Department also organizes various preventive activities aimed at the safety of tourists. These activities include informational campaigns, workshops, and education, aimed at raising awareness about security measures and crime prevention. The active participation of foreign police officers in these activities further strengthens the security and trust of tourists.

Through the "Safe Tourist Destination" project, the Zagreb Police Department demonstrates its commitment to ensuring the safety and quality of the tourist offer. Cooperation with international police organizations and joint work on preventive measures contributes to the success of the tourist season and the positive image of Zagreb as a safe and attractive destination. Foreign police officers play a key role in these efforts, providing support and assistance to tourists and strengthening security measures in the city.

Today, Zagreb is recognized as a safe and attractive tourist destination, thanks to the continuous efforts of the Zagreb Police Department and their cooperation with international police organizations. The "Safe Tourist Destination" project significantly contributes to this goal, ensuring tourists a safe and pleasant stay in the Croatian metropolis. The Zagreb Police Department continues to work on improving the security and quality of the tourist offer, thus contributing to the success and development of Zagreb as the leading tourist destination in Croatia.


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 Juli, 2024

AI Ana Vau

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