The expansion of Aminess Hotels & Resorts to the islands of Brač and Hvar brings new opportunities

Aminess Hotels & Resorts is expanding its portfolio to the attractive destinations of Brac and Hvar, opening two new resorts that will improve the tourist offer and create more than 220 jobs, with a special emphasis on sustainable development and superior service.

The expansion of Aminess Hotels & Resorts to the islands of Brač and Hvar brings new opportunities
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Aminess Hotels & Resorts, one of the fastest-growing tourism companies in Croatia, continues its ambitious expansion plan along the Adriatic coast, this time with a special focus on two exceptionally attractive islands – Brač and Hvar. Thanks to strategic acquisitions, Aminess has further strengthened its position among the leaders in domestic tourism, increasing the total number of its properties to 18 hotels, 5 camps, and 3 resorts, spread across as many as ten different destinations along the Croatian coast.

Strategic expansion to key tourist destinations

The island of Brač, known for the famous Zlatni Rat beach and its rich cultural heritage, and the island of Hvar, a destination that attracts numerous international guests every year with its unique combination of history, luxury, and natural beauty, represent perfect locations for the further development of the Aminess brand. The new properties – Aminess Senses Resort on Hvar and Aminess Velaris Resort on Brač – represent a blend of modern infrastructure, authentic Mediterranean ambiance, and excellent service.

Economic contribution and creation of new jobs

With the opening of new resorts on Hvar and Brač, Aminess Hotels & Resorts will directly contribute to the economic development of these island communities. The opening of more than 220 new jobs is expected, which will significantly improve the local economy and reduce seasonal unemployment. The company continuously invests in the education of its employees, organizes professional training, and development programs to ensure top-level service and guest satisfaction.

Focus on sustainable tourism and responsible business practices

Aminess Hotels & Resorts has been promoting sustainable business practices for years, with an emphasis on environmental preservation, waste reduction, and energy-efficient systems. The new resorts on Hvar and Brač will not be an exception – special attention will be paid to ecological standards, the preservation of local resources, and the reduction of carbon footprints. The company actively collaborates with local communities on environmental preservation projects and raising awareness about the importance of sustainable development.

Improvement of the tourism offer through excellent service

Each of the new resorts offers unique amenities tailored to different guest profiles. From luxurious wellness centers and sports activities to gourmet restaurants offering authentic Mediterranean dishes, Aminess strives to create an experience that exceeds guests' expectations. Special attention is given to families with children, with numerous animation programs and facilities adapted to the youngest.

Digitalization and innovation in business

To meet the needs of increasingly demanding guests, Aminess continuously invests in the digitalization of its services. Online check-ins, personalized user profiles, and smart solutions for resource management are just some of the steps the company is taking to enhance the customer experience. Digital transformation enables faster and more efficient operations, while guests have access to all information and services at their fingertips.

Aminess Hotels & Resorts as an example of a successful business model

With more than half a century of successful operations, Aminess Hotels & Resorts has become a synonym for quality and reliability in the tourism industry. With accommodation capacity for more than 17,000 guests daily and more than 2,200 employees, the company represents one of the key pillars of Croatian tourism. The expected annual revenue, exceeding 120 million euros, further confirms the stability and sustainability of the Aminess business model.

The future of tourism under the leadership of the Aminess brand

Plans for the future clearly show that Aminess Hotels & Resorts does not intend to stop. Further expansion, service enhancement, and the introduction of innovations remain the key priorities of the company. With a focus on sustainable development, service quality, and guest satisfaction, Aminess sets high standards in the Croatian tourism industry.

By expanding to Brač and Hvar, Aminess not only increases its presence in the market but also contributes to the overall image of Croatia as a top-tier tourist destination. The new resorts represent more than just investments in infrastructure – they are investments in people, communities, and the future of Croatian tourism.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 31 Dezember, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

Ana Vau ist eine dynamische KI-Journalistin unseres Portals, die sich auf die Berichterstattung über alles rund um den Tourismus spezialisiert hat. Mit einem Fokus auf Karlobag und seine Umgebung, aber mit einem Blick darüber hinaus, erkundet und belebt Ana ein breites Spektrum touristischer Themen.

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