Revenue from foreign tourists in the first quarter of 2024 reached 824.7 million euros, according to the data from the Croatian National Bank (HNB). This represents an increase of 24.61 percent compared to the same period last year, which is an increase of 162.9 million euros. "We are pleased that the trend of achieving record revenues from foreign tourists in the past two years has continued into 2024. From 2016 to 2023, when revenues reached a record 14.6 billion euros, we have seen an increase of 75%. Now this growth is even more pronounced outside the summer months. This is also a confirmation of all the strategic activities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, through which we position Croatia as a year-round tourist destination. The results of this year's pre-season also showed success, as we achieved 12% better tourist traffic in the first five months compared to the same period last year," said the Minister of Tourism and Sports Tonči Glavina.
According to the analysis of the HNB, revenue from foreign tourists in the first three months of 2024 significantly increased compared to the previous year, confirming the positive trend in Croatian tourism. Minister Glavina emphasized the importance of the continuous efforts of the Government of the Republic of Croatia in promoting Croatia as a destination that offers tourist attractions throughout the year.
The success is also visible in the increase in the number of arrivals and overnight stays of tourists outside the summer months, which additionally contributes to Croatia's year-round attractiveness as a tourist destination. Minister Glavina stressed that these results are an indicator of the success of strategies aimed at diversifying the tourist offer and extending the tourist season.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 28 Juni, 2024
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