Croatian tourist offer presented in Neuruppin on the occasion of the European Football Championship with an exhibition and fair

The Croatian National Tourist Board organized promotional events in Neuruppin on the occasion of the Euro, including the exhibition "Experience Croatia" and a small Croatian fair, in order to bring Croatia closer as a tourist destination.

Croatian tourist offer presented in Neuruppin on the occasion of the European Football Championship with an exhibition and fair
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

On the occasion of EURO in the center of Neuruppin, the Croatian tourist offer was presented

Exhibition "Experience Croatia", a small Croatian fair, and six Croatian greats
On the occasion of the European Football Championship in Germany, the Croatian National Tourist Board organized two promotional events in Neuruppin, the base of the Croatian national football team. The goal was to present Croatia as a quality and attractive tourist destination with a diverse offer. In the premises of the city gallery, the photo exhibition "Experience Croatia" was opened. The event was attended by Gordan Jandroković, President of the Croatian Parliament, Tonči Glavina, Minister of Tourism and Sports, Nico Ruhle, Mayor of Neuruppin, H.E. Gordan Bakota, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Germany, Kristjan Staničić, Director of the Croatian National Tourist Board, Romeo Draghicchio, Director of the HTZ Representation in Germany, and many other guests.

As part of the exhibition, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the most beautiful photographs of Croatian landscapes, tourist attractions, and Croatian footballers. The exhibition was among the first to be viewed by Šime Vrsaljko, a former Croatian representative and the main actor in one of the most striking photos at the exhibition, taken during the 2018 World Cup in Russia. All interested visitors will be able to view the exhibition photos daily during the duration of the Euro with free admission.

Minister Glavina stated: "Through the synergy of sports and tourism, we can present our country in the most beautiful way possible. We have used this opportunity to present Croatia not only as a sports nation but also as a tourist destination with a rich natural, cultural, historical, and eno-gastronomic offer. We are entering the most intensive part of the tourist year, and with these additional activities, we want to encourage the arrival of new guests. We wish our Vatreni (Fiery Ones) a lot of luck and success, the whole of Croatia is behind them, and I am sure they will make us proud again with their performances and represent our country in the best possible way."

Small Croatian fair
On the main city square, along with all the coastal counties, HTZ organized a small Croatian fair. Visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage and diverse eno-gastronomy. A varied entertainment music program has been prepared with the Šibenik klapa Sebenico.

Director Staničić emphasized: "The positive competitive energy and the stay of Vatreni in Neuruppin is an excellent occasion for additional promotional activities through which we will further bring Croatia closer to all citizens and visitors of Neuruppin as an attractive tourist destination. We have prepared a rich and interesting program, and our desire is to make the most of the fact that our country is globally recognized primarily for tourism and sports. We believe that our activities will have a positive impact on the perception of Croatia, as well as on tourist flows for the rest of the year, with special emphasis on the upcoming main summer part of the season when the largest number of guests is expected in Croatian destinations."

Germany is the most important foreign market for Croatian tourism, accounting for over 20 percent of the total realized overnight stays. The small Croatian fair will be open on June 14 and 15, and the presentation of Croatia will be enhanced by sculptures of Croatian greats who have left a significant mark in Croatian and world history. Sculptures of the inventor Nikola Tesla, explorer Marco Polo, basketball player Dražen Petrović, sculptor Ivan Meštrović, mathematician Ruđer Bošković, and engineer Slavoljub Penkala are positioned in different parts of the main city square.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 22 Juni, 2024
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