Sustainable tourism in Vukovar-Srijem County
The Vučedol Culture Museum, Kuzmanovi Dvori, and Vu Life Journey have recently become holders of the Good Travel Seal certificate, recognizing them as leaders in promoting sustainable tourism in Slavonia.
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What does the Good Travel Seal mean for the local community?
This certificate is not just a sign of business excellence; it also symbolizes a deep commitment to environmental protection and local culture. Certified organizations achieve up to 19% less water consumption, 24% less waste, and 10% lower CO2 emissions compared to non-certified facilities. Additionally, guests often rate certified entities better, leading to more visits and increased popularity of the destination.
The Good Travel Seal allows tourism organizations to clearly showcase their strengths in various areas, such as energy management, water conservation, and social responsibility, providing them with marketing visibility through different platforms like Good Travel Guide and
Plans for the future
The Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board continues to work on involving an increasing number of tourism entities in the certification program, aiming to expand sustainable practices and further develop the region as a green destination.
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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 August, 2024
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