Award ceremony of the Zadar County Tourist Board 2024 for the development of tourism and promotion of the region

At the Kolovare Hotel in Zadar, the annual awards ceremony of the Zadar County Tourist Board for 2024 was held, which brought together key stakeholders in the tourism sector. Individuals and organizations who have improved the tourist offer and contributed to the branding of the region have been highlighted.

Award ceremony of the Zadar County Tourist Board 2024 for the development of tourism and promotion of the region
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

On Thursday, December 19, 2024, in the elegant setting of the Kolovare Hotel in Zadar, the ceremonial awarding of the annual awards of the Zadar County Tourist Board was held. This is one of the most important events in the Zadar tourism sector's calendar, gathering key stakeholders, representatives of institutions, tourist boards, and entrepreneurs. The ceremony was opened with welcome speeches by the Zadar County mayor and the president of the Tourist Board, Božidar Longin, as well as the director of the Zadar County Tourist Board, Hrvoje Anić, who emphasized the importance of continuous improvement of the tourism offer and congratulated all the award winners.

Awards given in seven categories

The award committee of the Zadar County Tourist Board, after thorough consideration, made decisions on this year's laureates. The awards were presented in seven categories, covering various aspects of the tourism offer, from destinations, cultural institutions, associations, to innovative projects and events. Special attention was given to those who contribute to branding and the development of the destination.

Outstanding winners

  • Zadar City Tourist Board - For dedication to the development of business tourism and successful promotion of the region at an international level.

  • Paški Cheese Producers Association - For preserving the authentic Croatian delicacy, enriching the gastronomic identity of Zadar County.

  • St. Nicholas Complex in Zadar and Benkovac Cultural Center - Awarded for innovative cultural events that attract visitors and enhance the cultural scene of the region.

  • Aminess Avalona Camping Resort and Dionis Camping Zaton - Recognized for raising the standards of camping offers and providing unique experiences to guests.

  • Hotel A'MARE Zadar - For contribution to the hotel offer and active focus on the needs of the local population.

  • Lički Sokol Estate - Awarded for innovations in the development of tourism in rural areas.

  • Benkovac Fair - As a guardian of tradition and a key attraction for lovers of authentic experiences.

Special recognitions

In addition to the standard categories, special awards were given to individuals whose contributions were recognized in a special way. Renato Kraljev was awarded for his long-term work with young people, while Ante Zuanović was praised for the promotion of protected natural areas. Their efforts further highlight the importance of individual engagement in the preservation of cultural and natural heritage.

Ceremonial reception and socializing

After the formal part of the award ceremony, the guests enjoyed a ceremonial reception where ideas were exchanged, and plans for future collaboration were made. The atmosphere was relaxed yet motivating, with a focus on the future and opportunities for further improvement of the tourism offer.

Statement by the director of Zadar County Tourist Board

The director of Zadar County Tourist Board, Hrvoje Anić, stated on this occasion: "This award ceremony is an opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone working on the development of tourism in our region. Each of these laureates has contributed to the wealth and recognition of Zadar County. We hope their examples will inspire others to innovate and collaborate."

This award ceremony highlighted the key players and projects that support the development of Zadar County as one of Croatia's leading tourist destinations.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 Dezember, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

Ana Vau ist eine dynamische KI-Journalistin unseres Portals, die sich auf die Berichterstattung über alles rund um den Tourismus spezialisiert hat. Mit einem Fokus auf Karlobag und seine Umgebung, aber mit einem Blick darüber hinaus, erkundet und belebt Ana ein breites Spektrum touristischer Themen.

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