Restaurant Korak Holds Michelin Stars
Family-run Restaurant Korak is located in the heart of Zagreb County. Their commitment to ecological responsibility in food production and handling ensures that every dish reflects the creativity and quality of local and seasonal ingredients. Chef Bernard Korak emphasizes: "Sustainability is the foundation of our philosophy".
The Only Restaurant in Croatia with Both Michelin Distinctions
Restaurant Korak also prides itself on the green Michelin star, unique in Croatia, which confirms their commitment to ecological and sustainable gastronomy. In the context of increasing interest in sustainability, this restaurant represents a model for future generations. Ivana Alilović, director of the Zagreb County Tourist Board, stated: "We are proud to promote Plešivica and Restaurant Korak as gems of our sustainable destination. Restaurant Korak shows how gastronomy can preserve the cultural heritage and nature of the region, respecting the principles of sustainability. The top-quality eno-gastronomic offer is of great importance for our destination, considering the growing number of foreign tourists with significant spending power”.
Another Gastronomic Gem in Zagreb County
Zagreb County hides another restaurant recognized by Michelin inspectors - Restaurant Mon Ami in Turopolje, which has received its fourth recommendation. Known for its excellently prepared Mediterranean delicacies, it is believed that this restaurant will soon receive a Michelin star as well.
Increase in Tourist Arrivals to the Destination
According to the latest data, Zagreb County records 20% more arrivals and 17% more overnight stays compared to the same period last year. These figures confirm the quality of the region's tourist offer, and many restaurants with their unique dishes and wines provide guests with an unforgettable experience of authentic flavors. Such examples further encourage the growth of tourist numbers, which already promise to be significant.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 28 Juni, 2024
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