Minister of Tourism Tonči Glavina on investments in Varaždin County and the growth of continental tourism with the support of the Government of the Republic of Croatia

Minister of Tourism Tonči Glavina visited Varaždin County and emphasized the importance of investing in continental tourism. The Varaždin County recorded a significant growth in tourist arrivals and overnight stays, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, which provided 75% of the funds for investments.

Minister of Tourism Tonči Glavina on investments in Varaždin County and the growth of continental tourism with the support of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
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Minister of Tourism and Sports, Tonči Glavina, visited Varaždin County today, where he met with key officials, including County Prefect Anđelko Stričak and Mayor of Varaždin, Neven Bosilj. During this visit, an important meeting was held with representatives of cities, municipalities, and tourist boards, focused on current topics related to tourism in the continental part of Croatia.

Focus on Tourism Management Reform
At the meeting, Minister Glavina emphasized the need for strong cooperation between local units and tourist boards, which is crucial for the successful implementation of tourism management reform. This reform is based on the principles of sustainable development, aiming to strengthen year-round tourism offerings in the continental area. The Government of the Republic of Croatia has secured 75% of the funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for investments specifically aimed at this goal. Glavina highlighted that in synergy with local stakeholders, work will continue on achieving strategic goals that include the balanced development of tourism across the entire country.

Growth in Tourism Indicators in Continental Counties
The latest data shows a significant increase in tourist traffic in continental counties. Compared to the same period last year, arrivals have increased by 5%, while the number of overnight stays has risen by 4%. Varaždin County, in particular, stands out with even better results, with a 7% increase in arrivals and a 5% increase in overnight stays. These results reflect the continuous improvement of the tourism offer, as well as the organization of numerous events that attract visitors. One of the most prominent events is Špancirfest, a street festival, which is being held in Varaždin this year until September 1st and further contributes to tourist traffic.

Government Continues to Invest in Continental Tourism
Tonči Glavina particularly emphasized the importance of events like Špancirfest for the further development of continental tourism. Such events play a key role in positioning Croatia as a destination with year-round tourism offerings, which includes the rich array of tourist content in the continental part of the country. Glavina also noted that since 2016, the Government has invested over 40 million euros in tourism and sports projects in Varaždin County, further encouraging the tourism development of this area. With such investments and support, continental tourism has all the prerequisites for further growth and development in the coming years.

The Potential of Continental Tourism
The continental part of Croatia, often overshadowed by Adriatic tourism, is showing increasing potential for the development of year-round tourism. Through initiatives such as Špancirfest and similar events, and with the support of the Government, this part of Croatia is becoming increasingly attractive to tourists. The development of infrastructure, the improvement of accommodation quality, and the diversity of the tourism offer contribute to creating new opportunities for the local community, as well as for the entire country. Minister Glavina emphasized that efforts will continue to increase the recognition of continental Croatia as an attractive destination throughout the year.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 August, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

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