Fishing week in Crikvenica: tradition, music and gastronomy on the Adriatic Riviera from 31 August to 7 September 2024

Crikvenica, a city with a rich fishing history, every year becomes the host of "Fishermen's Week", an event that combines tradition, entertainment and gastronomy. This year, from 31 August to 7 September, visitors can enjoy a variety of activities and events celebrating the rich cultural heritage.

Fishing week in Crikvenica: tradition, music and gastronomy on the Adriatic Riviera from 31 August to 7 September 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Crikvenica, located on the Adriatic coast, becomes the center of one of the most significant events celebrating the rich fishing heritage of the region – the “Fishermen's Week” – every year at the end of August and the beginning of September. This event, which has been continuously held for over five decades, represents a blend of traditional customs and modern entertainment, attracting numerous visitors from both domestic and international locations.

Historical significance of fishing in Crikvenica
The fishing history of Crikvenica dates back to ancient times, and by the mid-20th century, Crikvenica’s fishermen accounted for as much as 30% of the total Adriatic catch. The city's fishing heritage is now preserved and celebrated through the “Fishermen's Week,” which recalls the “golden days” when fishing was the backbone of the local economy. The event, which began in 1966 under the name "Crikvenica Fishermen's Nights," is now one of the most important events on the Crikvenica Riviera and attracts generations of visitors who plan their vacations around its timing.

Diverse program for all ages
During the seven-day duration of the event, visitors can enjoy a rich program that includes a variety of activities on both land and sea. Highlights include sporting competitions such as the regatta of traditional sailing boats and wooden barques, which evoke the old times when wooden boats were an indispensable part of fishing life. There are also numerous music performances featuring well-known names such as Goran Karan, Tomislav Bralić, and Klapa “Intrade,” among many other performers who will further enhance the week's atmosphere.

Gastronomic delights and wine workshops
One of the main attractions of the “Fishermen's Week” is certainly the rich gastronomic offer that includes specialties made from fresh fish prepared according to old recipes. These dishes can be tasted at several gastro corners scattered throughout the city, including “Jadran,” “Burin,” and “Fish Street Food Zone.” Wine enthusiasts can enjoy various wine workshops held at the “Aminess Younique Narrivi” hotel, as well as at the “Wine & Painting” event, where art and enology merge in a relaxed atmosphere in the courtyard of the former parish house.
Click here to view accommodation in Crikvenica

Participation in unique activities
For those seeking more than passive observation, there are also educational workshops for children, such as “What is fishing?” which introduces younger generations to fishing traditions. Visitors can also try their hand at finding fishing stickers in the center of Crikvenica, and those who find a special sticker with the image of a fisherman from Vele palade win the main prize. Photography enthusiasts also have the opportunity to capture their memories at specially set-up photo points along the Riviera.

Traffic regulation and additional information
Due to the program, on August 31 and September 7, the section from Ivana Skomerža Street to Strossmayer's Promenade will be closed to all traffic from 20:00 to 24:00. This measure ensures the safe conduct of all activities planned at Stjepan Radić Square, the main gathering place during the “Fishermen's Week.”

The Fishermen's Week in Crikvenica is not only a celebration of the past but also a living reminder of the importance of preserving tradition and cultural heritage, and an opportunity to connect the local community with visitors from around the world. Every visitor can find something for themselves, whether they are a lover of gastronomy, music, sports, or simply seeking relaxation by the sea and good fun.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 August, 2024
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