Marking the 29th anniversary of VRO Storm in Knin: Celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders with a rich program and remembrance of heroes

On August 5, the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders will be held in Knin, marking the 29th anniversary of VRO Oluja. The program includes a wake, a solemn ceremony, a mass and cultural and sports events.

Marking the 29th anniversary of VRO Storm in Knin: Celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders with a rich program and remembrance of heroes
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day, as well as the 29th anniversary of the military-police operation Storm, will be held on August 5th in Knin.

In the early morning hours, starting at 6:30 AM, the traditional reveille will pass through the city streets, while the arrival of guests and participants is expected by 9:30 AM.

At Dr. Ante Starčević Square, near the Croatian Victory Monument Storm 95, starting at 9:00 AM, respects will be paid to the fallen, missing, and deceased Croatian veterans. Wreaths will be laid by representatives of the families of fallen veterans, Croatian Homeland War Invalids (HRVI), wartime commanders, representatives of Homeland War associations, state officials, and representatives of counties and cities.

The central ceremony will begin at 9:40 AM at the NK Dinara stadium. Part of the program taking place at Knin Fortress will be broadcast via video wall at the stadium and the central city square. At Knin Fortress, the traditional ceremony of raising the Croatian flag will be held, while at the stadium, there will be appropriate addresses, reading of the history of the Storm operation, and the names of those killed and missing in the Storm operation, accompanied by a musical program.

After the ceremony, the demonstration of capabilities by members of the Croatian Army and police, as well as an aerial program, will conclude the events at the stadium. At 12 PM, a mass will be held at the Church of Our Lady of the Great Croatian Baptismal Vow.

The entire program and the mass will be broadcast live on Croatian Radio and Television. Additionally, a tactical-technical display of weapons and equipment will be available for viewing along Dr. Franjo Tuđman Street, from the roundabout towards Dr. Ante Starčević Square, and in the parking lot near the Bus Station from 8 AM to 4 PM.

At 1:30 PM, the arrival of marathon runners and cyclists is scheduled at Dr. Ante Starčević Square. The celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day, as well as the 29th anniversary of the Storm operation, will be marked by a series of events across Croatia. The Ministry of Croatian Veterans supports associations from the Homeland War in securing transportation to Knin and in organizing celebrations in other cities and municipalities.

This year, the celebration will also include additional cultural and sports events. Visitors will be able to enjoy concerts, exhibitions, and sports competitions throughout the day. The city of Knin will thus become a center of gathering and pride, celebrating the courage and sacrifice of Croatian veterans.

We invite everyone to display Croatian flags and proudly mark this important date. Let the whole of Croatia be a symbol of unity and remembrance of the heroism of those who gave everything for the freedom of our homeland.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 Juli, 2024
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