Cres becomes an island of wonders with the Isle of Wonders festival and the arrival of an actor from The Lord of the Rings

Isle of Wonders - Cres for the first time in the city of Cres from 28 to 30 June 2024 brings a cultural and artistic event, a fantasy convention and a festival of revived history. Visitors of all ages will be able to participate in various activities and enjoy performances by famous guests.

Cres becomes an island of wonders with the Isle of Wonders festival and the arrival of an actor from The Lord of the Rings
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

A unique blend of cultural and artistic events, a fantasy lovers' convention, and a living history festival, Isle of Wonders - Cres will take place for the first time in the city of Cres and its surroundings from June 28 to 30, 2024.

Visitors will have the opportunity to participate in various activities designed for all ages: from board games, fencing, and archery to figure painting and crafting workshops. In Cres, you will also enjoy concerts and performances that will fill the festival with melodies from your favorite fantasy worlds, and you will have a unique opportunity to explore exhibitions inspired by fantasy, test your knowledge in Pub quizzes, and witness an exciting CosPlay competition where participants will showcase unique fantasy costumes.

Cres will thus gain a new atmospheric dimension: inspired by fantasy, history, folklore, and music, which will take place at numerous notable locations throughout the city: Cres Tower, Moise Palace, the narrow streets of the old town, picturesque squares, and the rugged waterfront.

Turning Cres into a magic epicenter
As announced by the organizers from the Realms Long Forgotten association, Cres will be transformed into an epicenter of fantasy and magic: the city center will be transformed into a magical place from imagination at every step. Isle of Wonders – Cres will begin with a moving performance - the landing of knights in the Cres harbor, who will move through the city and symbolically liberate the famous Cres Tower from dwarves and bandits.

Famous guests and their roles
This event will host Kieran Larwood, a favorite author among children and fantasy lovers, who will share his stories and writing inspirations. Jed Brophy, known for his roles in the Lord of the Rings series, The Hobbit, and the Rings of Power series, is also coming to Cres. He will participate in panels and answer visitors' questions. Francesco Cavalieri, whose voice and music bring to life stories about dwarves and epic adventures, will entertain the audience with his performance. One of the online guests is Christopher Paolini, whose work has shaped generations of young readers. He brings his experience of creating rich worlds. The event will also be virtually attended by Robin Hobb, whose works have laid the foundations of modern fantasy, sharing insights on character and world-building.

Diverse activities for all visitors
Whether you are a longtime fantasy fan, an artist seeking inspiration, or a visitor wanting to enjoy different content, Isle of Wonders – Cres is a place where everyone will find something for themselves. The organizers from the Realms Long Forgotten association want children and adults to forget their problems, mobile, and TV screens during these days and step into a world of imagination, returning to the world of books and board games.

Tickets and festival program
Isle of Wonders - Cres will take place with tickets available for 39 euros, allowing access to the closed parts of the program, while the program in Cres's old town will be free for all visitors. You can follow the program and announcements of the Isle of Wonders – Cres festival on the official website:

Follow us on social media
There is also the official Instagram profile where new program details and guests are revealed daily: Tickets for the closed part of the program can be purchased by following the link:

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 26 Juni, 2024
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