CRO Race 2024: Cycling spectacle in Kvarner with dynamic stages and international competition

CRO Race 2024 will again gather top cyclists in Kvarner, where the third and fourth stages will be held. This prestigious event attracts the attention of not only local cycling enthusiasts, but also international teams, guaranteeing exciting moments on the trail. The race through the beautiful landscapes of Croatia further emphasizes the importance of sports tourism.

CRO Race 2024: Cycling spectacle in Kvarner with dynamic stages and international competition
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The international cycling race CRO Race is returning to Kvarner, where the third and fourth stages of this prestigious competition will take place on October 3 and 4, 2024. This year, the race is part of the ninth edition and has been included in the UCI calendar as a 2.1 category event, further emphasizing its importance on the global cycling scene. CRO Race, with a total of six stages covering over 1000 kilometers, connects the picturesque parts of continental and coastal Croatia, allowing cyclists to enjoy the beauties of our country while competing for victory.

Exciting stages through beautiful landscapes

The third stage, which will take place on October 3, covers a route from Otočac to Opatija, measuring 154 kilometers. Participants will face a diverse terrain, including hills and descents, which will require a high level of physical fitness and strategic thinking. The fourth stage, scheduled for October 4, begins on the island of Krk and ends in Labin, spanning 161 kilometers. These stages not only test the endurance of the competitors but also offer incredible views of the Kvarner islands and coastline, making them even more appealing to spectators.

Organization and traffic regulation

To ensure the safe participation of all competitors and spectators, temporary traffic regulations will be introduced on the roads traversed by the cyclists. This measure is designed to minimize disruptions for drivers and ensure the safety of cyclists. The media coverage of CRO Race is also impressive; daily broadcasts will be held on Croatian Radiotelevision, while Eurosport will broadcast the race live, allowing viewers around the world to follow this exciting competition. It is expected that the signal will reach 140 countries, providing global visibility for this event and promoting tourism in Croatia.

International competition and teams

This year, CRO Race brings together 20 cycling teams with more than a hundred participants, guaranteeing a dynamic and thrilling race. Among the teams are six from the UCI WorldTeams category, including well-known teams like Bahrain Victorious and Ineos Grenadiers. In addition, eight UCI ProTeams and five UCI Continental teams are also participating, ensuring a diverse and competitively challenging atmosphere. The race will be full of surprises, with tense moments and uncertain finishes, further increasing spectator interest.

Involving young competitors

CRO Race does not forget young cyclists; within the KIDS CRO Race framework, a virtual race for children is organized. This year, around five hundred kids aged 9 to 12 will compete using virtual trainers, with one of them being set up in Opatija on October 3. This initiative encourages children to be active and sporty while allowing them to participate in exciting cycling events, creating new generations of cycling enthusiasts.

History of CRO Race

CRO Race, which first took place in 2015, has experienced significant growth and has become one of the most important cycling events in the region. Over the past few years, the race has attracted attention not only from local but also international cyclists, with an increasing number of participants each year. This event not only promotes the sport of cycling but also highlights the beauty and diversity of Croatia as a tourist destination. With its growing popularity, CRO Race is becoming a symbol of sports spirit and community, bringing together cyclists and sports enthusiasts from around the world.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 Oktober, 2024
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