Enjoying Dalmatian klapa music in the English Park Topusko: an unforgettable evening with klapa Kolapjani and Lađarice on August 17, 2024

Join the klapa night music event in Topusko on August 17, 2024. Klapa Kolapjani and Lađarice bring musical magic to the English Park starting at 20:00. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy Dalmatian music in the beautiful ambience of the park.

Enjoying Dalmatian klapa music in the English Park Topusko: an unforgettable evening with klapa Kolapjani and Lađarice on August 17, 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

On August 17, 2024, in Topusko, a night of klapa singing will take place in the English Park, an event that brings together lovers of Dalmatian music. The event starts at 8:00 PM and features performances by two prominent klapa groups: the male klapa "Kolapjani" and the female klapa "Lađarice".

Kolapjani: Klapa tradition in a modern guise
The male klapa Kolapjani, hailing from Sisak, is known as one of the most recognizable klapa groups on the Croatian music scene. Founded more than two decades ago, the group is distinguished by performances that blend traditional Dalmatian songs with modern arrangements. The group's leader, Marijana Ivšić Kolić, brings freshness and innovation to their arrangements, making them distinctive. Kolapjani have won numerous awards at festivals, including the award at the "Evening of Dalmatian Song" in Kaštela for the best composition by HRT Radio Split with the song "Znam".

During their 23 years of activity, Kolapjani have participated in numerous klapa festivals, notably the Festival of Dalmatian Klapas in Omiš, where they have won multiple awards. Their repertoire includes popular covers and original songs such as "Da kraj tebe zaspin vilo" and "Hodam dalje".

Lađarice: Musical journeys through Croatia
The female klapa Lađarice from Sisak was founded in 2013 and quickly established itself as one of the most dynamic female vocal ensembles. Their dedication and emotional performance have brought them numerous performances across Croatia, from north to south. They have performed in Zagreb, Samobor, Šibenik, and Omiš, gaining a reputation as a group that radiates energy and passion.

Lađarice are proud recipients of the Gold Award at the Delmata Klapa Singing Competition in 2019, and their musical opus includes songs such as "Žena koja čeka". They have also performed at the National Competition of Small Vocal Ensembles, where they won gold medals and special awards for interpretation.

Klapa night in Topusko: A musical experience
This night of klapa offers a unique opportunity to experience klapa music in the magical setting of the English Park. The audience will enjoy an unforgettable evening filled with melodies that transcend time, and the performances of Kolapjani and Lađarice promise to remain in the memory of all visitors. This event is not just a musical celebration, but also an opportunity to bring together lovers of klapa singing and the cultural heritage of Croatia.

Organizers invite all music lovers to join them and be part of this special event. Do not miss the chance to enjoy klapa music that will take you on a journey through emotions and tradition. Prepare for an evening that will awaken your senses and delight your hearts.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 06 August, 2024
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