The DORF Film Festival in Vinkovci 2024 brings together fans of music documentaries from all over the region

This year, from October 23 to 26, fans of documentary films about music will enjoy the rich program of the DORF Festival in Vinkovci, with numerous regional and international screenings.

The DORF Film Festival in Vinkovci 2024 brings together fans of music documentaries from all over the region
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Film enthusiasts and music lovers in Vinkovci have the opportunity this year to witness yet another exciting edition of the DORF festival, which takes place from October 23 to 26, 2024. This documentary film festival, known for its emphasis on music and social themes, has been gathering fans of cinematic arts and the music scene for years. Through diverse screenings, visitors can enter the world of documentaries that explore cultural phenomena, musical movements, and the lives of some of the most significant artists.

DORF is the first such festival in the region of former Yugoslavia and has gained significant reputation on both the regional and international scene since 2007. This year, the festival program includes eight films from various countries such as Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, and North Macedonia. Among them, titles like "Efterklang: The Makedonium Band," a Danish-Macedonian film about the unique blend of music and history, and the Croatian film "Power in the Head," which addresses the power of creativity and artistic expression, stand out. There are also films like "Forever Author: Saša Antić" and "Grandpa Guru" that bring stories about musical pioneers from this area.

In addition to the main film screenings, the OFF DORF program further enriches the festival experience. Visitors can participate in book promotions, exhibitions, and workshops with film authors. This year's OFF DORF features three significant book promotions, including "In Search of Tito's Punks" by Barry Phillips, which explores the punk scene of the former Yugoslavia, and the "Ex-Yu Rock Encyclopedia," a revised edition by Petar Janjatović, which is sure to attract the attention of all rock history enthusiasts in the region.

The festival's creativity is not only reflected in the film content; Goran Nježić, a well-known musician and visual artist, designed this year's visual identity for DORF. Nježić is active in the independent scene and is known for collaborations with numerous regional artists. His works often explore the boundaries between film, music, and visual arts, and his contribution to the festival further emphasizes the interdisciplinarity of DORF.

Unique awards for the best film this year are presented by Vinkovci sculptor Vjekoslav Živković. His works are recognized for their artistic expressiveness and originality, adding a special dimension to the festival. The festival jury consists of prominent film and music professionals like Relja Petrić and Marinko Marinkić, who will choose the best film in the regional competition.

In addition to all of the above, it is important to highlight the support of the City of Vinkovci and the Vukovar-Srijem County, which continuously support the festival and its mission in promoting film culture. This cultural event not only enriches the local scene but also contributes to the broader cultural development of the region, connecting film, music, and community.

More information about the festival program can be found on the official festival website, where detailed schedules of all screenings and accompanying events are available. The DORF festival confirms its importance every year as a platform for exchanging ideas, inspiration, and promoting regional and international filmmakers.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Oktober, 2024
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