The Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas is celebrating its 15th anniversary in Rovinj this year.
This significant milestone will be marked with two evenings dedicated to Mediterranean music, held within the Italian Community "Pino Budicin".
On Monday, July 8th, the program starts at 9 PM with a performance by flamenco artists from Granada. Juan Pinilla will showcase the passion and energy of this traditional musical style, recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage, through song, while Silvia Lozano will express it through dance. Following that, at 10 PM, Neapolitan singer Flo will perform, bringing a mix of ecstasy, melancholy, and theatricality characteristic of southern Italy.
The festival continues on Thursday, July 11th, with an evening dedicated to music and multiculturalism. The Med Luso 7Sóis Band, composed of six musicians and one belly dancer, will deliver a diverse performance. Among the members are Tomás Pimentel and Quiné from Portugal, Paola Bivona from Italy, Jair Dantas from Brazil, Hervé Celcal from Martinique, and El Topo and Nazareth from Spain. This ensemble celebrates the beauty of musical diversity, creating a unique mosaic of sounds. After that, the Istrian band Gustafi will perform with their energetic performances loved by the audience for many years.
These two evenings provide a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the Mediterranean atmosphere and discover sounds that unite different cultures through music.
Entry to the events is free.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 Juli, 2024
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