Lika was the center of activity this weekend thanks to the sixth edition of the Croatian Walking Festival, an event that brings together an increasing number of participants from all over the world every year. The organization of the festival was entrusted to the Croatian Walking Association, the Tourist Board of the Lika-Senj County, and Lika Travel Ltd., who took care of all aspects, including logistics, routes, safety, and the overall experience of the participants.
The festival started on August 31 in Otočac and ended on September 1 in Gospić, following routes named after the Gacka River and the great inventor Nikola Tesla. Participants had the opportunity to choose between three different routes, with distances of 10+, 20+, and 30+ kilometers, with numerous rest points set up along the trails. At these rest points, participants could enjoy refreshments, and some rest points also had additional attractions, such as passing through the Nikola Tesla Memorial Center in Smiljan.
In addition to attracting more than 2000 walkers from as many as 23 countries, including the United States, Japan, Australia, and many European countries, the atmosphere was extremely positive. Participants praised the beauty of the Lika landscapes and the friendly welcome from the local population, who warmly greeted walkers at all sections. The organizers also ensured all necessary conditions for safe and pleasant walking, including the presence of the Red Cross and the Mountain Rescue Service, while guides made sure no one lagged behind.
A special addition to this year's festival was the opportunity to participate in routes that connected the historical and cultural landmarks of Lika. For example, the "Tesla" route was not only a physical challenge but also a journey through the history of science, while the "Gacka" route led walkers through pristine nature. These trails were adapted to all ages, and the festival also included walkers over 80 years old, further emphasizing the importance of promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Over the two days of the festival, participants bonded, exchanged experiences, and made new friendships. Some even spontaneously sang on certain sections, further enriching the event's atmosphere. The organizers announced that the next edition of the festival would be even bigger and better, confirming that Lika is becoming an essential destination for walking and nature enthusiasts.
As in previous years, the festival demonstrated that with good organization, support from the local community, and beautiful natural scenery, it is possible to create an event that attracts visitors from all over the world and encourages them to return.
You can view the entire event photo gallery at this link.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 01 September, 2024
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