Summer in Čavle this year brings a variety of events with a special emphasis on the traditional celebration of St. Bartholomew, the patron saint of the Municipality of Čavle, at the end of August.
The spring program left strong impressions, and the Čavle Tourist Board, together with partners, has prepared numerous sports, entertainment, cultural, and gastronomic events for the summer months.
A special place among the events is occupied by the Castle of Grobnik, which will be the center of many manifestations. Under the organization of the Čakavski Sabor Grobnišćine, the Castle will host various entertainment and cultural events. The program starts on Friday with the 2nd meeting of choirs "Veliki Castrum," and continues on Sunday with a retro evening with LP Rock. The exhibition "All That You Know About Me" opens on July 17, accompanied by a music program by Sergej Božić and Slađana Čolović, and will last until August 17.
Events in the Castle of Grobnik
The weekend of August 11 and 12 brings a rock concert by the band Whiteheads and poetry under the stars. All events at the Castle are free. Platak will also be a place of activity, with the event Run into the Forest from July 11 to 14.
Fun at Platak
You can also find refreshment at Platak, where Run into the Forest will be held from July 11 to 14. For sports lovers, the weekend of August 24 and 25 brings the Sports and Vertical Face of Platak, and on September 7 there is a tournament in briškula, trešeta, and mori japoneze.
Celebration of "Bartoje"
From mid-August, the finale of the "Bartoje" celebration begins. The historical walk "Mlikaričina staza" is held on August 10, and on the same day, the restored kalici, last year's project of the Tourist Board, are shown. "Wine Day" at the Castle of Grobnik will be on August 17, organized by the Palentar Association.
Events in August
Before Bartoje, on August 23, the popular workshop "Painting and Wine" is held at the Croatian Defenders Square. August 24 brings the traditional Bartojski fair, Bartojenak, and the 14th Bartojski pot, as well as a concert by Mauro Staraj & La Banda. August 25 is reserved for a children's party and a concert by the band Vigor.
Miss Business
At the end of August, the two-day spectacle Miss Business at the Castle of Grobnik will gather successful entrepreneurs from the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, providing a platform for networking, inspiration, and celebrating women's business excellence.
September Events
In September, the Grobnik Open Ski Roll Cup "Žiletov Memorial" will be held at Platak, and the Open Day & air show at the Grobnik Airport. The program is rich and diverse, prepared in cooperation with the Municipality of Čavle, TZ PGŽ, the Palentar Association, Grobnik dondolaši, Čakavski Sabor Grobnišćine, Mandala Association, Parachute Club "Krila Kvarnera", Grobnički rez Association, Vanavi experience, DSR Kvarner, Castrum Choir, and TSK Rijeka – Čavle.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 04 Juli, 2024
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