Celebrating World Cravat Day in Mrkopalj: Fashion show, exhibition and creative activities for children

World Tie Day in Mrkopalj brings a rich program with a fashion show, an exhibition of over 400 ties and creative activities for children who present their visions of the future.

Celebrating World Cravat Day in Mrkopalj: Fashion show, exhibition and creative activities for children
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The international day of the tie, celebrated every year on October 18th, has become a symbol of unity, cultural heritage, and Croatian identity. The tie, as the only Croatian fashion accessory that has gained global recognition, continues to hold an important place in cultural and social events across Croatia, with Mrkopalj standing out as one of the central locations for the celebration of this day.

This year's celebration in Mrkopalj offers a rich program that particularly emphasizes the importance of young generations. Children from the Mrkopalj Elementary School and the Pahuljica kindergarten will have the opportunity to showcase their creative visions of the future through making ties on the theme "How do you see Mrkopalj in the future?" This unique artistic project allows young people to express their hopes and dreams for the local community, while simultaneously connecting tradition with the future. These ties, made from diverse materials and adorned with rich motifs, will be showcased in a fashion show, which has become an indispensable part of the event. The show will start at 11:30 a.m. at the Cultural Center, and visitors will be able to view the exhibited works until 2 p.m.

Fashion show and exhibition

The fashion show represents one of the most attractive parts of the program, where children and young people present their works. Ties are not just fashion details, but expressions of their thoughts about the future of Mrkopalj. Each tie offers a unique insight into children's ideas, and the audience will have the opportunity to vote for the best creation. Simultaneously, an exhibition of over 400 ties from all over Croatia provides a historical overview and evolution of the tie as a symbol of elegance and prestige, making this event interesting for visitors of all ages.

Tie – a symbol of Croatian identity

The tie has become a globally recognized symbol over the centuries, but its roots are deeply connected to Croatian tradition. The history of the tie dates back to the Thirty Years' War when Croatian soldiers wore scarves around their necks, which later evolved into a fashion accessory embraced at European courts. According to historical sources, the French word "cravate" originates from the Croatian term "Hrvat," further confirming its Croatian origin. In 2003, Academia Cravatica created a spectacular art installation "Tie around the Arena" in Pula, thus making the tie once again a symbol of the connection between the past and the present. This event attracted global attention and initiated the celebration of the International Day of the Tie, which is now celebrated not only in Croatia but also in many other countries.

Creative activities for children

In addition to the fashion segment of the program, children will have the opportunity to participate in a competition for the "best pet." Until October 16th, all interested can send photos of their pets decorated with ties to the Facebook page of the Mrkopalj Tourist Information Center. The winner will be chosen by votes from children at the celebration itself, which further encourages creativity and community among the young. After that follows a sweet surprise – a tie-shaped cake, which has become a favorite part of the event among the youngest.

Historical significance of the tie

The tie is much more than a fashion detail – it is a symbol of human dignity, elegance, and unity. Prof. Marijan Bušić, director of Academia Cravatica, emphasized that the verticality of the tie represents the human vertical, symbolizing the balance between freedom and responsibility. Throughout history, the tie has been and remains a sign of elegance, and today it reminds us of the importance of respect and dignity in interpersonal relationships. This deep symbolism further enriches the celebration of the International Day of the Tie, as it is not just a fashion accessory but also a symbol of universal human values.

Given the rich program and historical significance of the tie, this year's celebration in Mrkopalj expects a large turnout of visitors. The organizers invite all interested to join in celebrating this special day and to enjoy the creativity, fun, and tradition that connects the past and the present.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 Oktober, 2024
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