Autumn Sports Weekend in Poreč: World Wrestling Championships, Padel Tournaments and Blue Lagoon Ironman 70.3

Last week, Poreč hosted international sports competitions such as the World Veterans Wrestling Championship, Padel Tournament and the prestigious Blue Lagoon Ironman 70.3 triathlon. The city becomes the center of sports events in Croatia.

Autumn Sports Weekend in Poreč: World Wrestling Championships, Padel Tournaments and Blue Lagoon Ironman 70.3
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

In the week from October 8 to 13, 2024, Poreč hosted one of the largest sports events in the region – the World Championship in Wrestling for Veterans. The competition, held in the modern sports hall Žatika, gathered over 1200 athletes from around the world. The matches took place in freestyle and greco-roman disciplines, with Croatian representatives competing in both categories. The qualifying matches started every day in the morning, while the evening sessions were reserved for the final bouts. Besides the sports part, the championship provided an opportunity for socializing and exchanging experiences among athletes from different countries, which further contributed to the atmosphere of this prestigious event. Thanks to the high-quality organization, the event attracted many visitors and confirmed Poreč's position as one of the most important sports destinations in Croatia.

In parallel with the wrestling competitions, Poreč also hosted the Padel Poreč Week, which lasted from October 6 to 13. This unique sports event included numerous tournaments, including the Memorial Tournament "Luka Otočan" and the FIP Promotion Open Poreč, featuring some of the best padel players in the world. The competitions were accompanied by the enthusiasm of the audience, with the highlights of the tournament being the semifinals and finals held on October 13. The Croatian duo Selak/Belić achieved a significant result by earning points on the world padel ranking list, marking an important step for the future of Croatian padel.

Festival "La mula de Parenzo" – celebrating local heritage

Culture and art also came to the forefront in Poreč through the Festival "La mula de Parenzo", held on October 11 and 12. The festival was organized by the Local Museum of Poreštine and included various creative workshops, exhibitions, and music programs. The festival was inspired by the popular song "La mula de Parenzo" and provided visitors with a unique opportunity to experience the history of Poreč through a contemporary reinterpretation of a well-known story. The diverse content was aimed at all generations, and the interactive approach to cultural heritage allowed for a deeper understanding of the history and traditions of this town.

Sport Fest Poreč and Plava Laguna Ironman 70.3

After a series of sporting events in the first half of the month, Poreč continues with a rich program, and from October 18 to 20, Sport Fest Poreč will take place. This largest sports fair in the region encompasses not only the exhibition part but also educational conferences on sports management and marketing topics. Visitors will have the opportunity to hear lectures from leading experts in the industry and participate in workshops promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports innovations.

Plava Laguna Ironman 70.3 Poreč, which will take place on October 20, 2024, is the highlight of the sporting events in the region and will attract competitors from around the world. The course includes 1.9 km of swimming in the clear waters of the Adriatic Sea, 90 km of cycling on the Istrian highway, and 21 km of running through the historic core of Poreč. Competitors and spectators can enjoy top-notch service and hospitality from Plava Laguna, while competitors benefit from special accommodation discounts. The IronKids race, aimed at children, will be held the day before, on October 19, also at Zelena Resort.

Thanks to the perfect organization and natural beauty of Istria, Plava Laguna Ironman 70.3 Poreč attracts top athletes from around the world, with expectations of over 1500 competitors. This triathlon increases the number of participants year after year, significantly contributing to tourist traffic in Poreč and the surrounding areas. Organizers emphasize that the race is a perfect opportunity to achieve personal records due to the flat and fast course, especially the cycling section that runs along a closed highway.

Theater and art – "Šuma Striborova"

Theater lovers will also enjoy the cultural program of Poreč, as on October 20, a children's and youth play titled "Šuma Striborova" will be performed. The play, based on the classic story by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić, provides a visually rich experience that delights audiences of all ages. Set in the beautiful ambiance of the theater hall of the Public Open University, the performance allows young people to immerse themselves in the magical world of Croatian literature.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 Oktober, 2024
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