Zagreb Hippodrome hosts the eighteenth Croatian Gallop Derby with international participants from eight countries

The Croatian gallop derby at the Zagreb Hippodrome brought together twenty thoroughbred horses from eight European countries. The competition attracted a lot of attention, and a special victory went to jockey Dorottya Farkas from Hungary.

Zagreb Hippodrome hosts the eighteenth Croatian Gallop Derby with international participants from eight countries
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The Zagreb Hippodrome area is increasingly being used for various equestrian events, from show jumping competitions to gallop tournaments. Today, under the patronage of the City of Zagreb, the eighteenth edition of the Croatian Gallop Derby, one of the most important events in equestrian sport in the region, was held.

As part of the event, which attracts an increasing number of participants from all over Europe, four races were held with twenty thoroughbred horses from eight different countries. This year, the Croatian Gallop Derby was marked by a high level of competition and exciting performances, and special attention was drawn to the second race, the Zagreb Mile, run at 1600 meters. Six horses participated in that race, and the victory was taken by Fitzante, skillfully led by jockey Dorottya Farkas from Hungary.
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International dimension of the competition
The participation of horses from eight different countries further contributed to the prestige of this competition, which has developed into a respectable international event. Each of the participating countries made significant efforts to prepare their horses, and the very fact that the competition takes place at the Zagreb Hippodrome confirms the importance of this space for Croatian sport. The organizers point out that each race was extremely uncertain, which further raised the level of adrenaline among those present.

Importance for the city of Zagreb
This event has special significance for Zagreb, not only in a sporting sense but also as a tourist attraction that contributes to the promotion of the city on an international level. The patronage of the City of Zagreb, in cooperation with the Sports Facility Management institution, enabled flawless organization and a high level of technical support. Deputy Mayor Luka Korlaet presented the awards to the winners, emphasizing that such competitions not only enhance the sports spirit but also promote Zagreb as a center of top sporting events.

Traditional role of the Hippodrome
The Zagreb Hippodrome, with a long tradition in organizing equestrian competitions, once again confirmed its status as a center for equestrian sport in Croatia. The eighteenth edition of the derby showed that interest in this sport is on the rise, and that a competition that attracts participants from all over Europe can be organized on domestic soil. Besides the competitive spirit, this event was an opportunity for the gathering of equestrian sport enthusiasts who enjoyed every moment of today's program.

Challenges and successes
This year's competition was marked by challenges, including changing weather conditions that required additional track preparation and adaptation of competition conditions. Despite this, the organizers managed to ensure all the necessary conditions for a safe and fair competition. It is especially important to note the contribution of all participants in maintaining high standards, resulting in a successful event that will be remembered by participants and spectators for a long time.

The Croatian Gallop Derby has become a symbol of quality and excellence in equestrian sport, and each new edition brings an additional contribution to the popularization of this sport in the region and beyond. With the continuous support of the City of Zagreb and the enthusiasm of all involved, this competition has a bright future and will surely continue to be one of the key events on the sports scene.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 25 August, 2024
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