Free tour of Poreč on the occasion of the International Recognition Day of the Republic of Croatia

On the occasion of the International Recognition Day of Croatia, the Poreč Tourist Board organizes a guided tour of the city. Discover the history, culture and sights of Poreč.

Free tour of Poreč on the occasion of the International Recognition Day of the Republic of Croatia
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The day of international recognition of the Republic of Croatia is an opportunity to reflect on an important moment in our history, as well as to promote cultural heritage throughout the country. As part of the project "Discover Your Country," organized by the Community of Tourist Guides of Croatia with the support of the Croatian National Tourist Board, Poreč stands out as one of the host cities for this special event. The Tourist Board of the City of Poreč announces a free city tour, which will take place on Sunday, January 12, 2025.

Guided Tour

The "Discover Your Country" project aims to encourage citizens to explore local history and culture, providing an opportunity for a deeper understanding of Croatia's rich heritage. During the Poreč tour, participants will experience the city's historical and architectural beauty with the guidance of a local expert. Poreč, known for its rich history dating back to Roman times, offers numerous landmarks that tell the story of its development over the centuries.

Euphrasian Basilica: A Symbol of Heritage

One of the most important stops on the tour is the Euphrasian Basilica, a renowned 6th-century building listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The basilica is not only an architectural masterpiece but also a symbol of the region's spiritual history. Participants will have the opportunity to learn interesting details about the mosaics, iconography, and historical significance of this site.

Historical Layers of Poreč

In addition to the basilica, the tour will pass through the remains of a Roman castrum, medieval walls, and Renaissance palaces. Every corner of the city tells a story of its past—from an ancient trading center to a world-class tourist destination. The tour also includes visits to the old streets of Decumanus and Cardo, which still preserve the spirit of Roman urban planning.

Promotion of Culture and Community

The free city tour is not only an opportunity for education but also for promoting local community and identity. Organizers emphasize the importance of such events in raising awareness of Croatia's cultural wealth and encouraging citizens to become ambassadors of their heritage. Participation in this project is an opportunity for each participant to deepen their knowledge and become part of a broader story about preserving Croatian cultural heritage.

Registration and Additional Information

Participants are expected to gather on Sunday, January 12, 2025, at 12:00 PM at Freedom Square in Poreč. The tour lasts approximately two hours, and participation is free. Due to limited space, prior registration is required. Registrations are accepted via email or by phone.

Broader Perspective: Tourism and Local Community

Such projects are important not only for promoting tourism but also for strengthening the relationship between the local community and its history. Cities like Poreč represent an inexhaustible source of inspiration for tourists and for the residents who are often unaware of the wealth surrounding them. Involving citizens in such initiatives is key to the long-term preservation of heritage and its integration into daily life.

The "Discover Your Country" project thus transcends the tourist aspect—it is a reminder of the importance of preserving our history and identity, as well as a call to actively participate in passing it on to future generations.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 10 Januar, 2025
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