Cultural and entertainment events in central Istria from July 22 to 28 - enjoy concerts, movies and tastings

From 22 to 28 July, central Istria offers a rich program of cultural and entertainment events. Visitors will be able to enjoy concerts, film screenings, interpretive walks, and tastings of local products. All events are free!

Cultural and entertainment events in central Istria from July 22 to 28 - enjoy concerts, movies and tastings
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

A summer week in central Istria brings a wealth of events that will attract and entertain visitors and locals alike. From July 22nd to 28th, this beautiful part of Istria becomes the center of culture and entertainment.

Everything starts on Monday, July 22nd, in Tinjan, where an interpretive walk called Central Istria Walking Experience - Paths of Central Istria's Flavors will be held. Participants will be able to explore the magical landscapes of Tinjan and enjoy a free tasting of local delicacies at the end of the walk.

Open-air cinema is organized for July 25th in Cerovlje with the screening of the film Lassie 2, and on July 26th in Pazin with the screening of the film Fallen Leaves. This is a perfect opportunity for film lovers to enjoy popular titles in the fresh air.

Wednesday, July 24th, brings musical treats. The ethno band VEJA, known for its unique performances, will perform in Tinjan, while the energetic Spakkazuck Brass Band will put on an unforgettable concert in Sveti Lovreč.

On Thursday, July 25th, in Sveti Petar u Šumi, a spiritual music concert by Davor Terzić, a talented singer, composer, and lyricist, will be held. His spiritual songs will provide a special experience for visitors.

Sveti Lovreč continues with the Gušti Lovreča event on Thursday, July 25th. Visitors will be able to taste and buy products from local producers, such as olive oil, brandies, wine, cheese, and cured meats. With musical accompaniment by the 2BMB band, sports enthusiasts will be able to participate in a fun cornhole tournament.

Pazin will also host the last week of Summer in the Park called All the Little Glasses of the World. On Thursday, July 25th, you can watch a break dance performance by the ABOriginal studio and then dance with Mih&Me and Dario Marušić. The evening continues with a concert by the duo Jochems - Farkaš. On Friday, July 26th, the park will host young writer and screenwriter Toni Juričić, who will present his work, followed by a screening of the film Fallen Leaves, directed by Aki Kaurismäki.

The weekend offers a rich program for all ages. On Friday, July 26th, wine and jazz lovers can enjoy the Wine Stories of Gračišće with a concert by Aldo Foško & Damijan Grbac.

Saturday, July 27th, is reserved for the traditional folk festival in Škropećani, preceded by a week-long mini football tournament. The tournament's finale is on Saturday, followed by entertainment with the Replay band and DJ Kriza.

In the old oak forest of the Adrenaline Park Kringa, on July 27th, visitors will be able to enjoy the hits of Oliver Dragojević performed by Mateo Pilat, with piano accompaniment by Tedi Grubica.

The Story Festival Šćorice in Pićan, on July 27th and 28th, will provide visitors with the opportunity to discover interesting stories of this area, highlighting the importance of tradition and oral storytelling.

We remind you that the event Na Zarečkom krovu will be held on Saturday, July 20th, including ecological and volunteer activities and recreational, educational, and entertainment content at the same-named location near Pazin. The sports program includes a water polo tournament, a diving competition from the Roof, and a frog-jumping competition for all ages. This year, workshops for children are also included, aimed at promoting ecology and sustainability, as well as a fanzine-making workshop.

We invite everyone to visit central Istria during this period and enjoy the rich program prepared by the TZ of central Istria, its local self-government units, and tourism stakeholders. The events are suitable for all ages and tastes, and entry to all events is free!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 18 Juli, 2024
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