Maja Šuput delighted visitors in Gospić at the Advent in the heart of Lika

The evening in Gospić was filled with holiday magic, a concert by Maja Šuput and a rich Advent offer that delighted all generations.

Maja Šuput delighted visitors in Gospić at the Advent in the heart of Lika
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The evening in Gospić was filled with festive magic and a musical spectacle thanks to the event "Advent in the Heart of Lika." The courtyard of the Lika-Senj County turned into the center of fun and togetherness, where numerous citizens, visitors from other parts of Croatia, and tourists eager for a true Christmas atmosphere gathered. A special treat of the evening was the concert of Maja Šuput, one of the most popular performers on the domestic music scene, who delighted everyone present with her hits.

The Advent Magic Begins

The evening's program was opened by the head of Lika-Senj County, Ernest Petry, and the mayor of Gospić, Darko Milinović. In their speeches, they emphasized the importance of such events for the local community, not only for promoting tradition and culture but also for the opportunity for people to gather and share the joy of the holiday season. "Advent in the Heart of Lika is not just an event; it is an opportunity to celebrate the spirit of togetherness and Christmas joy," said County Head Petry to those gathered.

The Concert that Delighted All Generations

When Maja Šuput took the stage, the atmosphere reached its peak. The audience enjoyed performances of her well-known hits, and the energy she radiated spread to everyone in the courtyard. Songs like "Lopove" and "Ne lomi me" were sung loudly, and some visitors couldn't resist dancing. The music, light effects, and joy created an unforgettable experience that will be remembered for a long time.

A Rich Program for Young and Old

The Advent houses, which were scattered throughout the courtyard, offered a variety of local specialties, hot drinks, and sweets that warmed the evening further. This gastronomic offer attracted many visitors, who enjoyed the tastes of traditional Lika dishes, mulled wine, and fragrant fritters.

Special attention was given to children, for whom the Independent Public Library Gospić organized a creative workshop called "The Magic of Christmas Ornaments." The little ones enthusiastically made Christmas decorations, and their creations impressed parents and all passers-by. The ice rink in the nearby Kolakovac Park was filled with laughter and children's play, which further enriched the Christmas atmosphere.

Announcement of Upcoming Events

Advent in the Heart of Lika continues today, December 20, 2024, when the Husar sisters will take the stage with a repertoire of Christmas songs and famous pop hits. The organizers also announced a series of other events during the Advent period, including workshops for children, traditional Christmas fairs, and performances by local cultural societies. Advent in Gospić has thus become an essential destination for all those looking for a magical and authentic holiday experience.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 Dezember, 2024
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