Margaret's summer in Bakar: a rich program and a spectacular naval battle will delight all visitors

The summer of Margaret is traditionally held in Bakar, an event that includes a ceremonial procession, a fair, a concert by Josko Čagalj Iola and a spectacular naval battle. Enjoyment for all generations guaranteed!

Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Traditionally, the second week of July is reserved for a grand festivity in Bakar. The popular event “Margaretino leto” reaches its peak on July 13th, the feast day of St. Margaret, which is also Bakar’s City Day. To the delight of locals and their guests, this year Margaretina falls on a Saturday. Another reason to offer a truly rich and engaging program!

Something for everyone
Activities start early in the morning, with the traditional hike to Risnjak organized by the Hiking Society “Bakar” starting at 9 a.m. at Vilje. It is less known that the peak of Risnjak is located in the Bakar area and is its highest point! Those who stay in the city can attend the holy mass at the church of St. Margaret at 10:30 a.m. At 6 p.m., the traditional solemn procession with the relic of St. Margaret starts in front of the Church of Our Lady of Port, followed by a concelebrated holy mass (6:30 p.m.) at Žal ribara led by the Archbishop of Rijeka, Mate Uzinić.

The traditional Margaretin fair, starting at 5 p.m., will add a special liveliness to the streets of Bakar. Visitors can explore the offerings of local producers, as well as the assortment of guest exhibitors and artisans. From 6 p.m., the warship of the Croatian Navy "Hrvatska Kostajnica" will be open to the public until 9 p.m. Bakar always thinks of the youngest, so from 7 p.m., an interesting Children's Corner program will be held in the City Garden.

Naval battle and Jole
The highlight of the evening program begins at 9 p.m. with a solemn parade of historical Croatian military units following the laying of wreaths and paying tribute to fallen defenders. This is a unique opportunity to glimpse into the past of the "fashion expressions" of Croatian military units from east to west, north and south of Croatia, from the Keglević Guard, Dubrovnik Trombunjers, to the famous city guard of Bakar. The solemn parade includes over 20 historical units from all parts of Croatia. The legendary Naval Battle reenactment (10:30 p.m.), returning after a five-year hiatus, will add a military spirit to the central day of Margaretina. Spectacular cannonade, enthusiastic shouts, and a grand fireworks display will leave no one indifferent!

The evening will conclude with a performance by the cheerful Joško Čagalj Jole, whose concert starts at 11 p.m. at Žal ribara, one of the most beautiful summer stages on the Coast, followed by a party with the group "Point" until the early morning hours. Thanks to numerous sponsors, all programs are free, and enjoyment is guaranteed.

Special bus and taxi-boat line
On Saturday, the road through Bakar will be closed to all traffic from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m., and all maritime traffic from the pier to the pontoon walkway will be suspended (due to the Naval Battle performance). To ensure Margaretina passes with minimal traffic stress, organizers have provided a free mini bus from the Industrial Zone to Bakar and back. The line will circulate from 7 p.m. between the Bakar Gallery (in front of Interspar) and the dry marina in Bakar. One round trip from the Zone to Bakar takes about 20 minutes. The last departure from Bakar is scheduled for 2:30 a.m.

A taxi-boat is also provided from Kisikana to Bakar and back, operating between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. Organizers also appeal for everyone to come together, in one car, by public transport, or by taxi.

Organizers say: Come to Bakar and experience a unique blend of tradition, top-notch experiences, and excellent entertainment! See you there!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 11 Juli, 2024
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