Take part in the 7th Zelina Château: family camping, sports activities and socializing in nature

Join the 7th Zelinska šatorijada from 23 to 25 August 2024 in the park of ŠRC Sveti Ivan Zelina. Camping, sports activities, lunch together and socializing in a natural environment await you.

Take part in the 7th Zelina Château: family camping, sports activities and socializing in nature
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

We invite all nature and camping enthusiasts to join the 7th Zelina Tent Festival, an event that offers a unique opportunity to relax and have fun in the natural surroundings of the ŠRC Sveti Ivan Zelina park. The event will take place from August 23 to 25, 2024, and provides the perfect opportunity to escape the daily obligations and stresses, and enjoy the last days of summer. Participants are invited to bring their tents and equipment and set up a temporary camp in the park. This event is designed for everyone to enjoy nature, share experiences with each other, and participate in various social and sports activities. The Tent Festival is an ideal opportunity for families, friends, as well as for those who want to spend quality time outdoors in the company of like-minded people.

Sports activities and entertainment:
The event program includes a variety of sports activities such as beach volleyball, dodgeball, and many others. Each of these activities is designed to encourage team spirit and a sense of competition while providing an opportunity for relaxation and laughter. In addition, the Society of Our Children Sveti Ivan Zelina will prepare fun games for all ages so that every participant has the opportunity to participate and enjoy the program. Saturday is reserved for a communal lunch, which will further strengthen the sense of community among the participants.
Click to view accommodations in Sveti Ivan Zelina

Food and meal preparation:
All participants are invited to bring food suitable for outdoor stays. It is recommended to bring canned food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and meals that are easy to prepare and consume outdoors. In the evening, participants will have the opportunity to gather around the fire and barbecue. A grill will be available for the preparation of meat, vegetables, and other foods of your choice. Don't forget the spices and utensils that will help you prepare delicious meals outdoors.

Practical equipment information:
For a comfortable stay at the tent festival, it is recommended to bring a tent, sleeping bag, and inflatable mattress for extra comfort. Other essential equipment includes basic hygiene items, a flashlight, a hammer for securing stakes, and sufficient amounts of water. Also, bring a camera to capture all the beautiful moments, as well as board games and cards for evening entertainment. If you know how to play an instrument, bring a guitar or another instrument to create a musical background for socializing.

Registration and participation conditions:
All interested parties need to ensure their own camping equipment. Registrations for participation are open until Thursday, August 22, 2024. The setup of tents is scheduled to start on Friday, August 23 at 4:00 PM. Children and young people under the age of 18 can participate only with parental supervision. The organizers have provided sanitary facilities and licensed security guards for the safety of the participants. All interested parties can contact the Sveti Ivan Zelina Tourist Board via email at tzg@zelina.hr or by phone at 01/2061 808 to fill out the application form. In case of unfavorable weather conditions, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the event.

Participants are invited to take advantage of this unique opportunity to enjoy nature, make new friendships, and create unforgettable memories before the start of the new school year and return to work.

Recommended accommodations nearby:

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 19 August, 2024
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