Presentation of the picture book "Baby Lasagna and the Stipe the Cat – a great friendship" at Špancirfest in Varaždin with socializing with the youngest

At the Špancirfest in Varaždin, Baby Lasagna will present the picture book "Baby Lasagna and the Stipe cat – a great friendship", intended for the youngest and their parents, on August 27.

Presentation of the picture book "Baby Lasagna and the Stipe the Cat – a great friendship" at Špancirfest in Varaždin with socializing with the youngest
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Varaždin Špancirfest, known for its rich cultural and entertainment program, surprises the youngest visitors this year. On Tuesday, August 27, in the courtyard of Villa Bedeković, at 10 am, a presentation of a picture book titled "Baby Lasagna and the Cat Stipe - A Great Friendship" will take place. The author of the picture book, Marko Purišić, better known as Baby Lasagna, will be mingling with children and parents, giving them the opportunity to meet Stipe, the main character of this story.

The Picture Book About Stipe the Cat
The story of Stipe the cat, characterized by his unique personality and unusual appearance, is intended for preschool and early school-aged children. Through Stipe's adventures, children learn important life lessons about friendship, perseverance, and the importance of support in difficult situations. Stipe the cat, despite having one eye, demonstrates strength of character and resilience, making him a role model for the youngest readers. The picture book is told in a simple yet effective language, making it accessible to children and educational at the same time.

Additional Information About the Picture Book
The picture book "Baby Lasagna and the Cat Stipe - A Great Friendship" not only conveys the story of Stipe but also reflects real-life values that are important in both childhood and adulthood. Author Marko Purišić, known for his music hits, decided to portray his vision of success and the importance of perseverance through the character of Stipe the cat. The picture book is enriched with illustrations by Igor Jurilj, which further strengthen the story and allow children to experience Stipe's adventures in a visually appealing way.

Mingling with Baby Lasagna
After the picture book presentation, all attendees will have the opportunity to mingle with Baby Lasagna. A photo session with the popular performer is also planned, allowing children and their parents to have a keepsake of this special event. The official photographer of Špancirfest will be present to capture these moments, giving each participant the chance to take home a memory of this encounter.

Continuation of Špancirfest
Špancirfest, the largest street festival in Croatia, continues after this event with a rich program that lasts until September 1. The city of Varaždin will come to life with a series of cultural, musical, and artistic events that will attract visitors from all over the country and beyond. For all those who want to experience a true festival atmosphere, Špancirfest offers unforgettable moments on the most beautiful outdoor stages. Along with music, performances, and exhibitions, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in workshops and enjoy a variety of programs for all ages.

Varaždin, a city with a rich historical and cultural heritage, becomes the epicenter of entertainment during these ten days, and every visitor will have the chance to feel the energy and atmosphere brought by Špancirfest. Don't miss the opportunity to participate in this unique event where tradition, culture, and contemporary art come together to create an unforgettable experience for all generations.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 22 August, 2024
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