Serenade Ensemble Christmas Concert at El Magazein Vodnjan Gallery

Serenades Ensemble from Italy will perform on December 19, 2024 at the El Magazein Gallery in Vodnjan with an occasional Christmas repertoire. Admission to the concert is free.

Serenade Ensemble Christmas Concert at El Magazein Vodnjan Gallery
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

On Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 6:30 PM, the El Magazein Gallery in Vodnjan will host the Christmas concert of the renowned Serenade Ensemble from Muggie. This ensemble, with more than three decades of musical tradition, is known for its passion for music and diverse repertoire, ranging from the Renaissance to the Baroque period.

History and Importance of Serenade Ensemble

Serenade Ensemble was founded over 30 years ago in Muggie, Italy. The ensemble brings together musicians who are passionate about music and who decided to create and share their passion for music together. Over the years, the ensemble has experienced a rejuvenation by welcoming young talents, ensuring continuity and freshness in its performance. Their mission is to bring classical music closer to a wider audience through performances at historical locations and participation in cultural events.

Program and Performers

At the Christmas concert in Vodnjan, the ensemble will perform an appropriate repertoire, including traditional Christmas carols and selected classical works that celebrate the spirit of the holidays. A special feature of this concert is the unique acoustics of the El Magazein Gallery, whose walls are covered with an ancient lime-based system and Istrian stone, giving the space exceptional sound insulation and warmth.

The members of the ensemble who will perform are:

  • Luca Pascolat – trumpet

  • Emanuele Golfetto – trumpet

  • Claudia Korotaj – horn

  • Laura Sfetez – trombone

  • Andrea Sfetez – trumpet and ensemble leader

These talented musicians bring a wealth of experience and passion for music, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience for all visitors.

El Magazein Gallery as a Cultural Center

El Magazein Gallery, founded in 2009, has become an important cultural center in Vodnjan. The gallery space, with an area of 111 m² and a height of nearly 10 meters, offers exceptional acoustics thanks to the walls covered with traditional materials. Over the years, the gallery has hosted various events, including exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, architectural drawings, concerts of different musical genres, poetry evenings, book presentations, lectures, theater evenings, and fashion shows. Its dedication to promoting art and culture makes it an ideal place for events such as the Serenade Ensemble's Christmas concert.

Invitation to the Public

Admission to the concert is free, and the organizers – the Vodnjan Tourist Board and El Magazein Gallery – invite all music lovers to attend this event and enjoy the magic of Christmas melodies in the unique ambiance of the gallery. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the combination of excellent music and a special atmosphere that will immerse you in the holiday spirit.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 17 Dezember, 2024
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