Varaždin turns into the center of street art during Špancirfest: the festival of creativity, music and performance delights visitors from all over the world

Špancirfest in Varaždin offers a diverse programme of street performances, including musical sensations, acrobatic performances and artistic spectacles. Visitors enjoy the richness of culture and entertainment that enlivens the city's streets and squares.

Varaždin turns into the center of street art during Špancirfest: the festival of creativity, music and performance delights visitors from all over the world
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Varaždin, a city with a rich history and cultural heritage, becomes the host of Špancirfest every year, one of the most famous street art and entertainment festivals in the region. This festival, held from August 23 to September 1, brings together artists from all over the world and attracts thousands of visitors who want to experience the magic of street art, music, and performances. For ten days, Varaždin becomes an open-air stage where creativity knows no bounds, and the streets turn into lively galleries of diversity and innovation.

Diverse Street Performances
Špancirfest each year offers an innovative program with carefully selected artists and performers. This year, the festival boasts performances by about twenty performers from countries worldwide, including Hungary, France, Belgium, Chile, and Germany. These artists bring their unique creativity and talent to the streets of Varaždin, creating a rich cultural exchange that delights audiences of all ages.

One of the highlighted events is the performance of Big Bike Orchestra from Poland, a musical group that plays a variety of instruments on special bicycles. Their energetic and dynamic performances attract attention with their originality and ability to connect different musical styles. Alongside them, Orchestre International du Vetex, composed of fifteen musicians from Belgium and France, brings a fusion of Latin, Balkan, and Mediterranean rhythms, creating an unforgettable musical experience.

Musical Spectacle on the Streets
The festival also offers a rich music program that encompasses different genres and styles. The Sidral Brass Band from Spain brings vibrancy and energy to the streets of Varaždin with their brass instruments, while Kraken Orchestra from Belgium enhances the musical experience with their mechanical vehicles and cheerful rhythms. These talented musicians are known for their ability to create a relaxed yet energetic atmosphere that captivates and holds the audience's attention.

Artistic Performances that Inspire
Cie Tac o Tac from France presents spectacular acrobatic performances on pneumatic stilts, impressing visitors with their skill and courage. Their performances, enriched with attractive costumes and top-notch choreography, are a real treat for all street art lovers. In addition, Eric Tarantola impresses with his creativity using unusual musical instruments made from recycled materials like old pots and trombones, creating unique musical performances.

Artists from All Over the World
The festival also gathers many other talented performers from different parts of the world. Mr. Dyvinetz from Chile, known for his Cyr wheel acrobatics, fascinates audiences with his stunning performances that defy gravity. His precision and control over the wheel create impressive visual effects, while Stelzen-Art from Germany returns with new stilt performances that include elements of fantasy and reality. Color Queens from Germany add a visual component with their spectacular costumes and elegant movements.

Špancirfest: A Cultural Phenomenon
Špancirfest is more than just a festival; it is a cultural phenomenon that attracts an increasing number of visitors each year. The festival is a platform for international exchange of art and culture, providing an opportunity for artists and audiences to connect uniquely. Its diversity and innovation make it not only a significant cultural event in Croatia but also recognizable internationally.

The festival prides itself on encompassing a wide range of artistic expressions, from music and theater to dance and visual arts. Its openness to new and unconventional forms of expression allows artists to express themselves freely and share their creativity with the audience. Festival visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world of creativity and art and experience moments they will remember for a long time.

Enjoyment for All Generations
Špancirfest is an event for all generations, attracting families, young people, and older visitors. Its diverse program allows everyone to find something for themselves, whether it be musical performances, theater plays, or interactive workshops. Additionally, the festival offers a rich accompanying program with numerous activities, exhibitions, and workshops that further enrich the visitor experience.

Festival visitors can enjoy a unique blend of art, entertainment, and culture and experience the charms of Varaždin's streets, which become a center of creativity and socializing. All details about the program and performances can be found on the official website, where visitors can plan their stay and participation in this unforgettable event.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 August, 2024
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