Virtual reality brings Lošinj's maritime heritage to life through a unique experience at the 19th-century Nerezine loger

Immerse yourself in the rich history of the island of Lošinj through virtual reality on the Nerezinac logger. Discover the everyday life of 19th century seafarers, their skills and challenges, with interactive activities on board and ashore.

Virtual reality brings Lošinj
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Immerse yourself in the past and experience the rich maritime history of the island of Lošinj through the innovative use of virtual reality on the Nerezinac logger.
This fascinating adventure allows you to experience the historical context of the lives of seafarers who, with their dedication and skills, built the foundations of island tradition.

Through virtual reality, visitors are introduced to the daily life of the crew of the Nerezinac logger, a ship that played a key role in the island's economic development at the end of the 19th century.
The experience includes interaction with virtual islanders and observing the historical appearance of the harbor from that time, with the possibility of sailing with seafarers through stormy seas and returning to a peaceful port.

Vibrant maritime tradition of Lošinj
The Lošinj Maritime Heritage Interpretation Center presents the Nerezinac logger as the central element of the museum exhibit.
This unique open-air museum is reconstructed according to the appearance of loggers from the late 19th century and is an important example of traditional shipbuilding.
The ship, once known as "Dražica", was renovated and renamed "Nerezinac", and since 2010 has been protected as a cultural asset of the Republic of Croatia.

Located in the attractive location of Riva Lošinj Captains in Mali Lošinj, opposite the Apoksiomen Museum, Nerezinac provides an interactive insight into the rich maritime heritage of the island.
The exhibit is arranged into three key parts: the coastal area in front of the ship, the deck, and the lower deck, each zone offering a different perspective on life and work on the ship.

Practical experience and education
On the shore and deck, visitors can use informative panels with detailed information about the ship and participate in various practical activities that mimic traditional shipbuilding and seafaring skills.
Through the workshop on the shore, visitors can test their skills in making ship parts, including caulking, mending sails, planing, sanding, and driving nails.
They can also learn to tie nautical knots and participate in a ship management simulation.

Five thematic units covering the crew, the ship, the cargo, the sea routes, and the construction and maintenance of the ship, enrich the visitor experience.
Through these thematic units, visitors immerse themselves in the world of sailors, discovering their way of life, work tasks, and challenges they faced at sea and on land.
The exhibition offers insight into their diet, hygiene habits, and everyday situations often filled with humor.

Virtual tour and working hours
The virtual tour is available in Croatian and English, at a price of 8 euros for 30 minutes.
In August, working hours are from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
In September, also from Tuesday to Sunday, working hours are from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

In addition to the regular offer, the Nerezinac logger participates in tourist events such as traditional vessel regattas, aimed at preserving and presenting the rich maritime tradition of Lošinj.
This project is designed to bring maritime heritage closer to all visitors in a modern, attractive, and interactive way, with a focus on education and preservation of traditional skills.

Support and cooperation
The project is partially financed by the Croatian Tourist Board, which recognized the importance of digitizing cultural heritage.
Through this collaboration, the project aims to preserve cultural and historical heritage and bring it closer to a wider circle of visitors, contributing to the valorization and promotion of Lošinj as a significant cultural and tourist destination.
The innovative approach to interpreting cultural heritage on the Nerezinac logger is an example of good practice in connecting traditional and modern elements of the tourist offer.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 01 August, 2024
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